Purpose :
To compare and evaluate the system-estimated surgical parameters used during cataract surgery by two phacoemulsifier platforms, The Centurion ® Vision System and the Infiniti ® Vision System (Alcon laboratories Inc., Ft. Worth, TX).
Methods :
A total of 146 consecutive eyes of 101 patients undergoing cataract surgery were included. Cataracts were graded I to IV, according to the Lens Opacities Classification System II (LOCS II). The phacoemulsification platforms used were assigned randomly: The Centurion ® system for group 1, and the Infiniti ® Vision System for group 2. The cumulative dissipated energy (CDE), the aspiration time (AT) and the mean estimated aspiration fluid (EAF) were measured and compared. Continuous variables are displayed as means ± standard deviation (SD) and percentages, respectively. Differences between continuous variables were analyzed by the t-student test, or Mann-Whitney tests. Differences between categorical variables were analyzed by Fisher exact test. P values <0.05 were considered to be statistically significant. Normal and non-normal distributions were determined by Kolgomorov-Smirnov tests for all variables.
Results :
146 eyes were evaluated. The CDE showed no statistically significant differences between groups in all cataract grades. The difference in the AT between groups was statistically significant for nucleus grade IV, significantly shorter in the group 1: 4.87 min ±1.24 than in the group 2: 6.02 min ± 0.63 (P=0.039; OR [95% CI] = 1.15 [4.65, 6.91]); but not for grades I, II and III. The mean EAF showed significant differences<span style="line-height:20.8px"> for cataract nucleus grade IV;</span> in Group 1 was 108.3mL ± 5.4 and Group 2 was 132.7mL ± 4.2 (P=0.045; OR [95% CI] = 0.92 [73, 141]). There were no statistically significant differences between groups in terms of age, gender and demographical variables.
Conclusions :
The Centurion ® System was more effective than Infiniti ® IP system phacoemulsification in the amount of applied fluid and the aspiration time expended for nucleus grade IV but not for grades I, II and III. The CDE showed no statistically significant differences between groups, regardless of nucleus density.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2016 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 2016.