Purpose :
To compare ultra-widefield fundus fluorescein angiography using the Optos Optomap and the Heidelberg Spectralis ultra-widefield module in infants.
Methods :
A retrospective review of all infants who underwent non-contact ultra-widefield fundus fluorescein angiography with the Optos Optomap as well as the Heidelberg Spectralis between July 2012 and August 2014 were performed. The best images centered on the macula and optic disc obtained with each imaging modality for each infant were evaluated by two reviewers independently to determine which imaging modality was able to image the retinal vasculature at the most distal point superiorly, inferiorly, nasally, and temporally.
Results :
A total of 5 eyes of 4 infants had undergone ultra-widefield fundus fluorescein angiography with both the Optos Optomap and the Heidelberg Spectralis. The Optos Optomap was able to image the temporal and nasal retinal vasculature to a more distal point than the Heidelberg Spectralis in all eyes. The Heidelberg Spectralis was able to image the superior retinal vasculature to a more distal point than the Optos Optomap in 4 out of 5 eyes. In 3 of 5 eyes, the Heidelberg Spectralis was able to image the inferior retinal vasculature to a more distal point than the Optos Optomap. The two reviewers were in perfect agreement for each image comparison.
Conclusions :
In infants, the Optos Optomap demonstrated a greater ability to image the nasal and temporal retinal vasculature to a more distal point compared with the Heidelberg Spectralis. However, the Heidelberg Spectralis was able to capture the superior and inferior retinal vasculature to a more distal point compared with the Optos Optomap.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2016 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 2016.