Purpose :
To study visual perception with different presbyopia corrections, including monovision, modified monovision and multifocal corrections using a portable binocular vision simulator.
Methods :
Perceived visual quality and pattern preference were measured in 8 cyclopeged subjects using a custom-developed portable binocular see-thru device, based on temporal multiplexing of 2 synchronized tunable lenses. Perceptual score (0-5) was obtained for 17 binocular corrections: 3 binocular Monofocal (Far F+F, Intermediate I+I and Near N+N); 4 binocular Simultaneous Vision (SV) (Trifocal 3SV+3SV, Bifocal 2SV+2SV, Trifocal and Bifocal 3SV+2SV / 2SV+3SV); 2 Monovision (MV) (F+N, N+F), 8 Modified MV (F+3SV, F+2SV, N+3SV, N+2SV, 3SV+F, 2SV+F, 3SV+N, 2SV+N); for the 3 distances and overall scene. Pattern preference was assessed using 2AFC for 36 random pairs of 9 binocular corrections (3SV+3SV, 2SV+2SV, 3SV+2SV, 2SV+3SV, F+N, F+3SV, F+2SV, N+3SV, N+2SV). Stimuli were real visual scenes containing F (poster @4m), I (laptop @0.6m) and N (smartphone @0.3m) distances. Each test was repeated 6 times. The statistical significance of the preferences was evaluated using Bernoulli statistics.
Results :
Perceptual scores were highly repetitive (average SD 0.45). The maximum variation in perceptual score across distances occurred for monofocal corrections (4.5) followed by modified MV (3), MV (0.9) and Binocular SV (0.8). The overall perceptual score varied across corrections, between 1.5 (S1) and 3.3 (S5) and significantly correlated (p<1e-6) with score at F and I distances, and less strongly for N distance (p=0.02). The score at a given distance was significantly correlated (p<1e-9) with the percentage of energy at that distance (R=0.64). On average, the overall perceptual score was significantly higher (p<1e-9) for MV (F+N or N+F) and far dominant modified MV (F+3SV or F+2SV). There were statistical differences (ANOVAN) across observation distances (p<1e-9) and subjects (p=0.01), but not eye dominance. MV and far dominant modified MV corrections were those mostly preffered in a pattern preference test. One subject (S1) showed strong preference to 2SV+2SV.
Conclusions :
A portable binocular vision simulator provides a clinically useful see-thu tool for systematic evaluation of presbyopia corrections. Monovision and modified monovision/simultaneous vision corrections tended to outperform other corrections.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2016 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 2016.