Purpose :
Patient satisfaction was previously assessed in a European population receiving mainly preserved topical treatment. The PASSY survey (Patient Satisfaction SurveY) was undertaken in 6 European countries to evaluate patient satisfaction and medication tolerance after switching to PF (preservative free) latanoprost eyedrops.
Methods :
PASSY is an International, epidemiological, retrospective survey. OHT/glaucoma patients who received a PF latanoprost (Monoprost®) for 3 months were included. The following data were collected: glaucoma history, previous treatment, reasons for change, tolerance, patient satisfaction, ocular signs, ocular surface disease, ease of use and tear substitute use.
Results :
1872 patients from Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland participated in the survey. 68.7% were previously treated with preserved eyedrops and 23.6% were treatment naive. The two main reasons for treatment change were local intolerance (61.8%) and insufficient efficacy (49.1%).
Regarding tolerance, 95% of the patients previously treated with preserved eyedrops declared to be satisfied or very satisfied with PF latanoprost (P<0.0001). This percentage reached 97.3% in naive patients. In comparison to the previous treatment, 73.5% of the patients considered that PF latanoprost was better or much better tolerated (P<0.0001), and for 22% of them, the tolerance was the same. The tolerance was also evaluated with a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) (0 mm: very bad tolerance – 100 mm: very good tolerance). The mean VAS was 83.5 mm (SD=16.5) for PF latanoprost and 57.7 mm (SD=27.2) for the previous treatment. The VAS global improvement was + 25.8 mm (45% of increase after switch).
PF latanoprost unidoses were considered as easier or much easier to use (P<0.0001) than the packaging of the previous glaucoma treatment by 40.7% of the patients and as equal by 48.8%.
Before the switch, 45.4% of patients used artificial tears. The use of artificial tears decreased in 24.1% of the users after switching to PF latanoprost and in 68% the use was unchanged (P<0.0001).
Conclusions :
After 3 months of Monoprost® treatment, patients appeared to be more satisfied, to need fewer artificial tears and the vast majority judged that the unidoses were at least as easy to use as the packaging of the previous treatment.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2016 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 2016.