Purpose :
To evaluate levels of T helper (Th) 17-associated cytokines in aqueous humor of patients with acute primary angle-closure (APAC) and age-related cataract.
Methods :
This study included 20 eyes of 20 APAC patients and 15 eyes of 15 cataract patients. Aqueous humor samples were collected. The levels of 20 Th17-associated cytokines were evaluated in the aqueous humor of APAC and cataract subjects by using the multiplex bead immunoassay technique. Clinical data were also collected for correlation analysis.
Results :
Among 20 Th17-associated cytokines included in the Human Th17 Magnetic Bead panel, 8 of them including interleukin (IL)-10, CCL20 , IL-12, IL-15, IL-21, IL-6, IL-27, TNFαwere detectable. Compared with the cataract eyes, APAC eyes had significantly elevated concentrations of IL-6, IL-12, IL-15 and IL-27 (all P < 0.05). Age was positively correlated with IL-6 (P = 0.037), IL-12 (P = 0.022), and disease course was positively correlated with IL-15 (P = 0.037), IL-27 (P = 0.040) and TNF-α (P = 0.042).
Conclusions :
Various Th17-associated cytokines were elevated in the APAC eyes and may implicated in the pathologic mechanism of APAC.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2016 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 2016.