Purpose :
Secondary glaucoma in patients with Fuchs uveitis syndrome (FUS) is a common sight-threating complication. Aim of this observational study was to analyse changes in anterior chamber cytokine concentrations in FUS patients by multiplex bead-assay analysis.
Methods :
Overall, 24 cataract control eyes (C), 11 eyes with FUS without glaucoma (FUSwoG), and 8 FUS eyes with glaucoma (FUSwG) were included. Samples were collected either during cataract surgery (C and FUSwoG), or during trabeculectomy (FUSwG). None of the eyes had active inflammation, as defined by AC cells during 3 months prior to surgery. Concentrations of interleukin-8 (IL-8), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), matrix metalloproteinases -1,-2,-3,-9 (MMP-1,-2,-3,-9), Serum Amyloid A (SAA), Transforming Growth Factor beta-1,-2,-3 (TGFβ-1,-2,-3), and Tumor Necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) were measured by Multiplex Bead Assay analysis (Luminex® Performance Assay TGF-β Multiplex Kit R&D Systems Abingdon UK; Procarta® Immunoassay Affymetrix, Santa Clara US).
Results :
At sample collection, control patients were with 75.5 ± 9.1 years older than patients with FUSwoG (33.7 ± 10.6 years), or FUSwG (43.1 ± 6.5 years (ANOVA p<0,001). No significant difference with regard to preoperative topical steroid therapy, or non-invasive laser flare-photometric values could be detected (9.2 ± 6.6 photons/ms vs 29.2 ± 50.6, p=0.4). No differences between all three groups could be detected for the SAA, MMP-1, TGF-β2, -β3, and TNF- α concentrations (p>0.0045 after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing). Il-8 was highest in FUSwG, and also significantly higher in FUSwoG as compared to C (p<0.001), while MMP-2, -3, and TGF-β1 were only significantly higher in eyes with FUSwG than in FUSwoG and C (p for all at least <0.0045). MMP-9 and MCP-1 had the highest concentrations in eyes from FUSwoG compared to the two other groups (p<0.001) and MCP-1 was additionally elevated in FUSwG compared to C.
Conclusions :
Concentrations of anterior chamber cytokine vary significantly between eyes with or without secondary glaucoma in FUS. MMP-2 and -3 and TGF-β1 might play a role in pathogenesis of secondary glaucoma in FUS patients, while MMP-9 and MCP-1 seem to prevent glaucoma in eyes with Fuchs uveitis syndrome.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2016 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 2016.