Purpose :
Evaluate the efficacy of subconjunctival injection of bevacizumab in recurrent pterygium in relationship to symptoms, keratometry, visual acuity and refraction.
Methods :
This is a prospective study realized in ‘Instituto de Olhos de Goiania’, including a total of 18 patients diagnosed with recurrent pterygium. The patients were divided into two groups:
- First group: patients received a subconjunctival injection of Bevacizumab 0,1ml and were subsequently evaluated on days one, three, five, ten and thirty after application about symptomatology, keratometry, visual acuity and refraction observing.
- Second group: patients received 0.1 ml of sham injection and were observed subsequently on days one, three, five, ten and thirty about symptoms, keratometry, visual acuity and refraction.
After this observation data they were subjected to comparative statistical analysis of both groups.
Were excluded patients with any contraindication to the use of bevacizumab, evidence of other eye diseases, presence of previous ocular trauma and monitoring of disability throughout the duration of the study.
Results :
Significant reduction in symptoms were observed about subjective evaluation of patients after the tenth day of application of the injection of the control group related to placebo. Regarding the keratometry and refraction were observed significant numerical changes, but these were observed only on the thirtieth day while remaining constant in other assessments; already in visual acuity found no statistically significant changes.
Conclusions :
Treatment of recurrent pterygium with anti-VEGF subconjunctival injection was effective in reducing symptoms in addition to showing Keratometric and refractometric modifications. To be a promising treatment, avoiding sometimes the surgical retreatment become important studies with other variables that will help to further prove the importance of these medications in this cases.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2016 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 2016.