Purpose :
The presence of exfoliation (in PXFG) makes it difficult to achieve coagulation of ciliary processes with ECP, the end result of ECP treatment is shrinkage of ciliary processes that result in Aqouas production reduction, which can be measured through post oprative reduction in IOP and glaucoma medication. The efficacy of ECP in PXFG will be measured through comapring IOP and glaucoma medication reduction following ECP combined with phaco with eyes with POAG.
Methods :
Retrospective Cohort study; file review of PXFG & POAG (controlled or uncontrolled IOP, with and without glaucoma medications) underwent phaco+ECP & followed up ≥ 6month. Eyes were virgin & laser naïve.
Results :
56 PXFG eyes & 72 POAG, with baseline IOP 18.5±6 & 16.7±4 mmHg(P=0.03), on 2.3±1 & 3±2 medication(P=0.04) respectively
mostly had 180°ECP, with 0.27W PXFG & 0.25W POAG(P=0.05)
Mean follow up 15±10 & 17±14months
Last visit IOP 14.8±4mmHg PXFG & 15.3±4 POAG, on1.5±1 & 1.6±1 medication (P=0.5,P=0.74);
IOP reduced by 3.7±7 & 1.4±4mmHg & medication by 0.7±1.5 & 1.3±2.5 respectively(P=0.02, P=0.15)
3 eyes with PXFG needed 2nd procedure to control IOP
Conclusions :
ECP has favorable effect in PXFG compared to POAG
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2016 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 2016.