To determine the patient-centered effectiveness of treatment with the slow-release dexamethasone intravitreal implant (DEX implant) and intravitreal bevacizumab using the Impact of Vision Impairment Questionnaire (IVI), a vision-related quality of life (VRQoL) measure, in patients with visual impairment secondary to center-involving diabetic macular edema (DME).
Patients with DME were enrolled in a phase 2, prospective, multicenter, randomized, single-masked clinical trial and received either DEX implant 4 monthly or bevacizumab monthly, both pro re nata. Vision-related quality of life was measured at baseline and 24 months, using the IVI's three component scales, namely reading, mobility, and emotional well-being. Rasch analysis was used to generate interval-level estimates of VRQoL, which were then analyzed using t-tests to assess changes over time.
Forty-eight patients completed the main study; 43 (90%) answered the IVI at the baseline and 24-month (final efficacy) visits. Vision-related quality of life improved significantly, with average increases of 1.44, 0.99, and 1.49 logits, for the reading, mobility, and emotional well-being scales respectively, from baseline to 24 months, (P < 0.001). There was no significant between-group difference in improvement in VRQoL in the DEX implant only compared with the bevacizumab-only group, in any of the three scales listed above (with 1.41, 1.08, and 2.11 logits improvement, in reading, mobility, and emotional well-being, respectively, for DEX implant group, compared with 1.48, 1.06, and 2.11 for bevacizumab; P values > 0.1.)
We found that both DEX implant and bevacizumab treatment result in significant and similar improvements in VRQoL in patients with DME over a 24-month period. (Clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT01298076)
Diabetic macular edema (DME) is the major cause of visual loss in patients with diabetes. A breakdown of the retinal–blood barrier results in the leakage of plasma and lipids into interstitial layers of the macula, causing the thickening of the fovea and severely compromising central vision.
1,2 The impact of DME on patients' quality of life is considerable,
3,4 and comparable to that of AMD.
Both bevacizumab
6,7 and slow-release dexamethasone intravitreal implant (DEX implant)
8,9 have been shown to be effective in reducing swelling due to DME and improving visual acuity. However, few studies have reported the effects of these treatments from the patient's perspective. Okamoto and colleagues
10 found short-term VRQoL improvements (using the 25 item version of National Eye Institute Vision Functioning Questionnaire [NEI VFQ-25]), following a single injection of bevacizumab for persistent post vitrectomy DME, and Ramu and associates
11 similar vision and VRQoL outcomes for both fixed or pro re nata (PRN) treatment schedules for DEX implant in refractory DME.
However, both studies were only conducted over a short time-period (3 and 12 months, respectively) so the longer-term treatment effect of either bevacizumab or DEX implant on VRQoL is unknown. Moreover, most studies reporting VRQoL after treatment for DME
12,13 have used traditional summary scoring methods, which have inherent limitations.
14,15 Importantly, recent studies using Rasch analysis, a form of item response theory, have found the NEI VFQ-25 to be multidimensional, suggesting its measurement precision may be compromised.
In contrast to the NEI VFQ-25, the Impact of Vision Impairment Questionnaire (IVI) is a VRQoL instrument, which has been shown to be reliable and responsive to interventions
19–22 and has been rigorously validated using Rasch analysis.
23,24 Rasch analysis addresses the limitations of summary scoring as it provides a method for transforming ordinal scores into an interval level estimate.
25,26 In addition, Rasch analysis provides detailed insight into dimensionality; item ‘fit' to the underlying construct; and targeting of items to the population.
27 Therefore, we used the IVI to determine the impact of DEX implant and bevacizumab on VRQoL in patients with DME in the BEVORDEX study, in the patients overall at 24 months. We also analyzed the IVI results in a subgroup of patients, who received either DEX implant or bevacizumab only, to compare impact of VRQoL between the two treatments.
A total of 48 patients completed the 24 months of the study and 43/48 (90%) answered the IVI questionnaire at both time points. The mean age of these 43 patients (n = 17, 40% male) was 62 (SD 10.80) years at study entry, ranging from 36 to 86 years. A total of 24/43 (56%) patients had both eyes enrolled (subsequently, 3/24 of patients with both eyes enrolled had one eye withdrawn by the Principal Investigator), while 19/43 (44%) received treatment to only one eye. The mean BCVA of the 64 study eyes of the above 43 patients increased from 57 (SD 12; range, 7–19) logMAR letters at baseline to 65 letters (SD 16; range, 0–91) at 24 months. This represented an average increase of 8 letters (SD 15; range, −56 to +44). There was a mean decrease in CMT for the 64 study eyes by the 24-month study visit of 166 μm (SD 134; range, −478 to +95 μm). There was no correlation between BCVA and CMT change (Pearson r = 0.09). The fellow eyes not enrolled in the study (n = 19) had a mean improvement of 2 logMAR letters (SD 16; range, −40 to +35).
The baseline average IOP of the 64 study eyes was 14.53 mm Hg (SD 2.53); with mean of 14.6 mm Hg (SD 2.74) for eyes assigned to DEX implant treatment and 14.5 mm Hg (SD 2.32) in eyes to be treated with bevacizumab. During the study, 21/33 of eyes treated with DEX implant (64%) had an IOP rise of greater than or equal to 5mm Hg from baseline at a subsequent study visit, and 8/33 (24%) required topical treatment to lower IOP. In comparison, 9/31(29%) eyes treated with bevacizumab had a IOP rise of greater than or equal to 5 mm Hg from baseline, and none required treatment.
VRQoL improved significantly overall, with increases of 1.44, 0.99, and 1.49 logits, for the reading, mobility, and emotional well-being scales respectively, from baseline to 24 months, (
P < 0.001,
Table 1).
Table 1 IVI Scores for 43 Patients at Baseline and 24 Months
Table 1 IVI Scores for 43 Patients at Baseline and 24 Months
In order to explore relationship of improved vision and VRQoL, we used the vision gain in the study eye in patients with a single eye enrolled, and in the group of 24/43 patients who both eyes treated the vision gain in the most improved study eye. The vision in the better seeing eye has been found to correspond to binocular vision when both have been measured.
When we stratified the 43 patients according to number of letters gained, patients gaining greater than 15 letters had 2.2-logits increase in reading scores at 24 months compared with 1.0 logits in those than those who gained less than or equal to 15 letters; however, the
P value was 0.050, which indicated that the difference was of borderline significance. The gain in mobility and emotional well-being was similar for both stratified groups (
Table 2).
Table 2 IVI and BCVA Results in Patients Stratified for Vision Gain
Table 2 IVI and BCVA Results in Patients Stratified for Vision Gain
The change in reading and emotional scores for all patients showed a low correlation with change in BCVA, (r = 0.32 and 0.34, P < 0.05, respectively), with a nonsignificant correlation with the mobility scale; (r = 0.29, P = 0.059). However, when we stratified patients into two groups according to number of letters gained (≤15 and >15), the relationship between the change in IVI scores and BCVA differed. In the greater than 15 letter gain group, there was a strong correlation between VA gain and the three IVI scales (range, r = 0.79–0.80; P = 0.001). However, in the less than or equal to 15 letter group there was no significant correlation with VA gain in any of the IVI scales (range, r = −0.09 to −0.13; P > 0.05).
Comparison of IVI Scores Between the Bevacizumab and DEX Implant Treatment Groups
Supported by grants from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC; Canberra, ACT, Australia), which was supplemented by an unrestricted educational grant from Allergan Pharmaceuticals (Irvine, CA, USA), and a NHMRC Clinical Fellowship (MCG).
Disclosure: C. Aroney, None; S. Fraser-Bell, Allergan (F); E.L. Lamoureux, None; M.C. Gillies, Allergan (C, F), Bayer (C, R), Novartis (C); L.L. Lim, Abbvie (C, R), Allergan (C), Bayer (C, R), Novartis (C); E.K. Fenwick, None