To minimize the error in SO
2 introduced by vessel diameter, Geirsdottir et al.
7 developed a vessel size correction. The correction factor assumes that the SO
2 of a vessel just before a bifurcation is the same as those in both branches after the bifurcation.
Equation 5 was used to calculate
k, a correction factor, where
, and
are the measured values without correction for the first branch, second branch, and the primary vessel, respectively, and
, and
dpri are the diameters of the first branch, second branch, and primary vessel, respectively.
The constant
k was then used in
Equation 6, where
d is the vessel diameter,
d#x0304; is the mean vessel diameter, and SO
2(cor) is the corrected saturation value.
2 values before correction were gathered from the previous section, testing a 92% SO
2 vessel with varying diameter. A theoretical bifurcation based on Murray's principle
61 was assumed, where a primary 120-μm diameter vessel bifurcated into 90-μm and 100-μm diameter branches to calculate the correction factor,
Figure 11 displays the corrected SO
2 values for a vessel with a true SO
2 of 92%. The correction works very well when the mean diameter is very close to the diameter of the vessels used to calibrate the algorithms. As shown in
Figure 12, if the calibration vessels are larger than the mean diameter, then the correction will shift calculated values of SO
2 up; conversely, if the calibration vessel is smaller than the mean diameter, then the correction will shift the calculated SO
2 values downward. This result greatly reduces the benefit of the compensation.
Because vessels with 50- to 200-μm diameters are typically analyzed,
Figure 12 investigates the results when the two-wavelength algorithms are calibrated with 80, 120, and 180 μm diameter vessels.