One further possibility is that children's unstable fixation and their lower sensitivities are both symptoms of some more global immaturity, such as a general lack of attentiveness. This could be assessed in future by adding explicit catch trials to the test protocol in order to assess children's false-negative (lapse) rates and false-positive rates (trigger errors).
39 Previous work by Tschopp and colleagues
40 has shown that lapse rates measured in this manner are strong predictors of children's thresholds on standard automated perimetry; and on this basis, it seems plausible that such lapses may also explain some or all of children's deficits in MP. A second/additional possibility is that children's reduced sensitivities were a direct consequence of their reduced fixation stability. Substantial reductions in visual sensitivity are known to occur during eye movements,
41,42 and children made more and larger eye movements than adults (e.g., due to “searching” behaviors, physiological nystagmus, or failure to suppress instinctual foveation behaviors). Such eye movements may have caused children to miss some suprathreshold stimuli altogether. Furthermore, even when a saccade concluded before stimulus presentation was complete, the effective duration of some stimuli may have been reduced (and for brief stimuli, Bloch's law states that luminance detection thresholds are dependent on stimulus duration
43,44). Finally, eye movements toward a stimulus on trial
T may have led to the stimulus on trial
T+1 being misplaced onto a more eccentric (i.e., less sensitive) retinal location. Ideally, any such eye movements should have been automatically compensated for, since the MAIA is explicitly designed to quantify and correct for changes in gaze location. However, the sampling rate of the MAIA's integrated eye tracker is only 25 Hz, and this, while sufficient for detecting gross changes in preferred retinal locus, is orders of magnitude too slow for the system to compensate fully for brief, rapid eye movements such as saccades and microsaccades. This means that excessive fixation instability is still likely to affect sensitivity estimates. In future studies it would therefore be instructive to see whether children's fixation stability can be improved, either through practice, instruction, reward, or the use of a more engaging fixation target, and whether, as has been found in some adults,
45,46 improvements in fixation stability lead to improvements in estimated visual sensitivities.