After walking along a three-segment path, the subjects estimated the distance and direction to the starting location (doorway) and the target (a beanbag dropped at the first turn).
Figure 5 shows mean absolute errors and confidence intervals for the three groups in the five auditory/visual conditions.
Data in the control condition provide baseline performance with unrestricted viewing. For the normally sighted group, the mean absolute error for estimating the starting distance in the control condition was 3.28 ft. When expressed as a fraction of the physical distance (Weber fraction), the mean was 0.22. This value is in agreement with the Weber fractions for room-size estimates discussed above, indicating similar precision in the two cases. A portion of this error is attributable to a bias to underestimate the starting distance. Averaged across all trials in the control condition, the mean ratio of estimated distance to physical distance was 0.85, which differed significantly (
t[154] = −7.51,
P < 0.0001) from a value of 1.0 representing unbiased estimates. This underestimation bias is quantitatively similar to results from other studies using verbal estimates of distance.
19 The low-vision group exhibited very similar performance in the control condition for the starting distance, with a mean absolute error of 3.41 ft, a mean Weber fraction of 0.23, and a bias to underestimate the distance with a mean ratio of 0.81. The corresponding errors for the blind group were somewhat larger: mean absolute error of 5.49 ft, a mean Weber fraction of 0.37, and an underestimation bias with a mean ratio of 0.72. In short, all three groups exhibited an underestimation bias for distance back to the starting location.
In contrast, the direction estimates for the control trials for starting distance did not exhibit any systematic bias (analysis of signed errors showed no significant differences from 0). The mean absolute errors for the three groups were normally sighted 26.5°, low vision 27.8°, and blind 36.4°. These values are larger than values near 5° cited by Philbeck et al.,
18 who pioneered the verbal-pointing method we used. Their data were obtained under conditions likely to lead to smaller errors—stationary subjects with more precise control over facing direction, estimating distances to small, localized targets on a nearby table, with potentially useful visual cues to direction in the background beyond the target. Their measures of 5° directional accuracy may represent a lower bound on errors for directional judgments.
Next, we will discuss the effects of the five viewing conditions and then compare performance across the three groups.
The effects of the viewing conditions were small for updating with respect to the starting location. For the starting distance, F-tests revealed that there was no significant effect of viewing condition for any of the three groups. For the starting direction, neither the normally sighted group nor the blind group showed an effect of viewing condition. But there was a significant effect for the low-vision group (F[4,60] = 3.233, P < 0.05), with t-tests revealing that the absolute errors in the control condition (27.8°) and the forward facing condition (31.4°) were significantly lower than in the deprivation condition (49.9°).
The effects of viewing condition were more prominent for updating with respect to the target. For target distance, the low-vision group showed no significant effect of viewing condition. But there was a significant effect for the normally sighted group (F[4,104] = 7.691, P < 0.0001), with t-tests revealing that the absolute error in the control condition (2.61 ft) was significantly lower than in the auditory condition (3.73 ft) and the deprivation condition (4.23 ft). The blind group also exhibited a significant effect of condition on target distance (F[3,45] = 4.229, P < 0.05), with the absolute error in the control condition (3.23 ft) being smaller than in the deprivation condition (4.27 ft).
For the target direction, the normally sighted group exhibited a significant effect of viewing condition (F[4,104] = 5.393, P < 0.001), with t-tests revealing that the error in the control condition (25.4°) was lower than in the preview (37.0°), auditory (38.8°), and deprivation (45.7°) conditions. There was also an effect of viewing condition on target direction for the low-vision group (F[4,60] = 3.048, P < 0.05), with the error in the control condition (28.1°) being significantly lower than in the auditory (43.9°) and deprivation (45.6°) conditions. The blind group did not show an effect of viewing condition on target direction.
When effects of the viewing condition occurred, they were most frequently associated with the poorer performance in the deprivation condition and with updating to the beanbag target.
Next, we compare the updating performance between the three groups. We conducted separate ANOVAs (see Methods) for the five different viewing conditions and the four performance measures depicted in
Figure 5. Only 2 of the 20 tests yielded significant effects, both associated with control conditions. The significant ANOVA results were (1) control condition for starting distance (
F[2,60] = 4.73,
P < 0.05), with group mean absolute errors of normally sighted (3.28 ft), low vision (3.41 ft), and blind (5.49 ft); and (2) control condition in the target direction (
F[2,60] = 4.67,
P < 0.05), with group mean absolute errors in direction of normally sighted (25.4°), low vision (28.2°), and blind (36.3°). It is not surprising that the normally sighted and low-vision groups had consistently smaller errors in the control trials than the blind subjects. In these free-viewing trials, subjects with vision could look back at the starting or target location, an advantage not possible for the blind subjects.
For the remaining conditions, in which none of the subjects had direct viewing of the starting or target locations, no statistically significant group differences were observed. Although not statistically significant, the distance errors of the blind group had numerically larger values than the other two groups. This difference was less evident for the direction errors.
The overall pattern of updating results indicates that when subjects were not permitted to look directly back at reference landmarks, any differences in spatial-updating performance between the normally sighted, low-vision, and blind groups were small.
We note that our normally sighted group was younger on average than our two visually impaired groups. Previous research has shown that aging can affect indoor wayfinding, for example, in the use of geometric versus nongeometric landmarks
9 or the use of vestibular cues for spatial updating.
20 The lack of major group differences in our updating data implies that the age differences among our groups did not seem to play an important role. In confirmation, we found no significant correlations between age and the absolute errors in the four updating responses in the control condition for our blind and low-vision groups. Correlations between absolute errors and the number of years since onset of visual impairment were also low and insignificant except for one case: a significant correlation of 0.32 (
P < 0.005) for the blind group for judging the starting distance.