The experimental protocols were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the Harvard Medical Area, Office for Research Subject Protection and were consistent with the ARVO Animal Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research. We adapted the mouse model of ulcerative keratitis
18 to evaluate protective efficacy of antibody to PNAG against fungal infections and associated corneal pathology. Briefly, mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal (IP) injection with ketamine (100 mg/Kg) and xylazine (10 mg/Kg), and when there was no response to corneal touching, three scratches (1 cm) were made on one cornea with a 26-gauge needle, Next, 5 μl containing the infectious inoculum (1 × 10
7 cells/eye) was placed on the injured cornea. Mice were left recumbent and observed until awake and mobile. For evaluation of the prophylactic protective efficacy of antibody to PNAG, mice were injected IP 16 hours before infection with 300 μg of MAb to PNAG,
14 or control MAb.
16 At 4 hours after infection, an additional 300 μg of MAb to PNAG or control MAb were injected IP, and then 10 μg/eye applied topically at 4, 16 or 24, and 32 hours after infection. Some experiments with
A. flavus were terminated at 24 hours if there was severe corneal pathology in ≥25% of the controls (grade 4) at this time. For evaluation of therapeutic efficacy, normal and immune polyclonal goat antibody to PNAG raised to the synthetic oligosaccharide, 9GlcNH
2 conjugated to tetanus toxoid,
15 or the PNAG-specific or control human IgG1 MAbs were used. Sera or MAbs were injected IP 4 hours after infection and an additional 10 μl serum or 10 μg antibody in 5 μl of PBS applied topically 4, 24, and 32 hours after infection. At the time of euthanasia, corneas were scored for pathology on a scale of 0 to 4, then excised, and fungal CFU determined. Eyes were assigned a pathology score at the end of the experiment using the following scheme: 0, eye macroscopically identical to the uninfected contralateral control eye; 1, faint opacity partially covering the pupil; 2, dense opacity covering the pupil; 3, dense opacity covering the entire anterior segment; and 4, perforation of the cornea and/or phthisis bulbi (shrinkage of the globe after inflammatory disease). Pathology scores were determined by two independent observers unaware of the experimental conditions. Scoring was congruent >95% of the time, in cases where there were discrepancies, the lower score was used. To determine the efficacy of topical administration only of MAb to PNAG on corneal disease due to infection with
A. flavus and
F. solani, 10 μg of MAb in 5 μl of PBS were applied topically at 4, 16, 24, and 32 hours after infection. Post-infection pathology scores and CFU/cornea were determined at 24 or 48 hours. The earlier time was used when controls showed a pathology score of 4 after 24 hours. Each experiment depicted in the Figures is the result of one determination, reproducibility of the results were obtained by conducting experiments with multiple antibodies and multiple fungal strains.