In this study, we found that the recently introduced anterior segment angle-to-angle scan mode of Cirrus HD-OCT provides anterior segment images analogous to those obtained by Visante OCT. The agreement between Cirrus and Visante OCT in detecting eyes with a closed angle was moderate to good. The diagnostic performance of Cirrus and Visante OCT was comparable, using gonioscopy as the reference standard; however, the agreement between Cirrus HD-OCT and gonioscopy in detecting eyes with closed angles was moderate.
The disadvantages, such as lack of anterior segment information and not using primary gaze position, make the previous version of the Cirrus HD-OCT hard to supplant the Visante for diagnostic or opportunistic screening applications in clinics. Now, with the assistance of the hardware (the external adaptor) and the software (overlapping of the source and mirror image), the new version 8 of Cirrus HD-OCT has the ability to image the entire cross-sectional image of the anterior segment of an eye like what the Visante does. This new version of Cirrus HD-OCT enhances the image quality by averaging 20 consecutive B-scans. Thus, the Cirrus HD-OCT may replace Visante TD-OCT in the near future because both posterior and anterior segment imaging can be achieved by a single device.
Hu et al.
18 reported that the previous version of Cirrus HD-OCT identified 28% and the Visante identified 34% of the quadrants that were diagnosed as a closed angle by gonioscopy. The agreement among the three devices was fair (
ĸ from 0.15 to 0.31); however, in our study, we identified 34 (68%) closed-angle eyes with the Cirrus anterior segment angle-to-angle scans of 50 eyes diagnosed by gonioscopy (
Fig. 3A), and the agreement between the new version of Cirrus and gonioscopy in our study was moderate. A previous study
19 also reported that the agreement between gonioscopy and precedent Cirrus HD-OCT scans in detection of closed angles was good (
ĸ = 0.65). They reported further that Visante OCT identified 8 eyes and precedent Cirrus HD-OCT scans identified 7 eyes of 11 eyes that were diagnosed by gonioscopy as a closed-angle eye. In our study, 18 eyes were identified with closed angles by gonioscopy, 29 eyes by Visante and 17 eyes by Cirrus OCT in a subset of 85 eyes that underwent imaging with both OCT devices. In this subset, 5 eyes (7.5% of 67 gonioscopic open angles) that were classified as closed angles by Cirrus HD-OCT and 13 eyes (19.4%) by Visante OCT were diagnosed as an open angle by gonioscopy (
Fig. 3B). Thus, the false positives detected by Cirrus HD-OCT were significantly lower when compared with Visante OCT, using gonioscopy as the reference standard (7.5% vs. 19.4%,
P = 0.04).
The SS is used as an anatomic landmark to classify a closed angle in OCT images, whereas TM is used for gonioscopy; therefore, it is possible that OCT may detect more closed angles (false positive) than gonioscopy because any short irido-corneal contact just anterior to the SS in OCT images was classified as a closed angle, which is defined as open by gonioscopy.
17,20 In our study, the false-positive rate detected by Cirrus HD-OCT was lower than that detected by the Visante OCT, but the false-negative rate between two OCT devices was comparable (8.8% vs. 3.6%,
P = 0.52). Hence, this new version of Cirrus HD-OCT may likely address the shortcoming (overdiagnosis of closed angles) of Visante while having similar sensitivity in closed-angle detection.
A radiolucent gap at the tip of the angle recess region is present in 45.7% of Cirrus HD-OCT images and it is more prominent in the eyes with a relatively large anterior chamber depth (
Figs. 1C,
2). This radiolucent gap causes difficulty in identification of the iris insertion on the Cirrus HD-OCT images and we found that the visibility of iris insertion was significantly higher in closed-angle eyes. Thus, the angle recess area may not be feasible to calculate quantitatively on some Cirrus HD-OCT images. Moreover, the lower border of the irides was also not clearly visible on some Cirrus images so the quantitative measures of iris such as iris thickness, area, and volume may not be feasible to assess with this new version of Cirrus HD-OCT when compared with Visante.
Our study has a few limitations. There may be a systematic bias in angle grading because a single observer performed gonioscopy; however, the grader has more than 10 years of experience in performing gonioscopy. The angle evaluation in each quadrant by Cirrus and Visante OCT was based on a single meridional image, but gonioscopy findings represented the entire quadrant. The OCT uses infrared light and is a noncontact procedure, so that the possible drawbacks of gonioscopy, such as inadvertent indentation, distortion of the angle configuration, and the illumination effect on iris constriction were avoided, leading to disagreement.
17,20 The subjects in this study were recruited from a glaucoma clinic where the prevalence of the disease is high. Thus, the positive and negative predictive values of ROC were not reported in our study because these predictive values might be influenced by prevalence of the disease.
In summary, this is the first study demonstrating that novel anterior segment angle-to-angle scan of Cirrus HD-OCT is a reliable tool in the evaluation of the anterior chamber angle of an eye. The diagnostic performance of Cirrus HD-OCT was comparable with that of the Visante OCT and both devices were interchangeable in detection of eyes with closed angles. Although the diagnostic performance of Cirrus HD-OCT anterior segment angle-to-angle scan was good, the agreement between Cirrus HD-OCT and gonioscopy, the reference standard in detecting of closed angles, was moderate.