Our main finding is that visual crowding is relatively less affected by healthy aging compared with surround suppression of contrast. This result is consistent with previous studies on crowding in peripheral vision using resolution acuity
14,15 and surround suppression studies in central vision using contrast matching tasks
2; however, ours is the first direct measurement of crowding and suppression in the same older individuals and specifically using stimuli designed to allow such comparison across tasks. Our observed absence of a correlation between crowding and surround suppression is consistent with previous suggestions of distinct mechanisms underpinning these spatial visual phenomena.
Our data suggest that crowding strength is influenced by flanker position for the young adult group. Consistent with Petrov et al.,
20 only crowding shows this asymmetry and not surround suppression, although this effect was relatively weak in our data. Although their study reported a fivefold higher crowding ratio for the outer flanker compared with the inner flanker, we observed approximately only a two-fold change. Flanker asymmetry for crowding has also been previously observed by Bouma,
18 who reported that in a word or an unpronounceable letter string, the outermost letter is more easily identified than an inner letter tested at 5° parafoveally. A roposed explanation for the flanker asymmetry is the gradual change in cortical magnification in primary visual cortex (V1) with eccentricity. An outer flanker would be closer to the target in cortical space than the inner flanker influencing target identification, although these distances in visual space are identical.
30 Petrov and Meleshkevich
21 identified the flanker asymmetry property as a characteristic that can be used to assist in disentangling the neural mechanism of crowding. They showed that the asymmetrical flanker effect can be eliminated by manipulating spatial attentional demands and interpreted this observation as evidence for an attentional mechanism contributing to the asymmetry effect. Our data (
Fig. 4B) demonstrate an absence of flanker asymmetry for the jittered stimuli, but we did not observe a strong flanker asymmetry effect for the non-jittered condition either. Indeed, we observed the asymmetry effect only in younger adults when there was no spatial uncertainty (
Fig. 3). Petrov and Meleshkevich
21 argued that their observed flanker effect was too strong to be simply due to a V1 cortical magnification effect and instead argued for a role of top down attention on crowding strength, as suggested by a few other studies.
23,31 Although not directly supportive, our data are not inconsistent with an attentional argument. We identified asymmetry in younger adults for the condition where there was no spatial uncertainty about the position of the target (task 1), and older adults may not manifest such effects if the relevant aspects of attention that influence crowding are altered by the aging process.
We included in our study a visual search task. Previous visual search experiments have used a range of stimulus types: for example, rectangular shapes,
32,33 circles and squares,
25 and letters T and L.
30 We used Gabor stimuli in our experiment to maintain similar low-level image content between all our tasks. Similar to previous literature,
25 we found a trend for the older group to require longer search times with increase in set size than the younger group (
P = 0.053). Furthermore, older adults were significantly slower in target absent trials than in target present trials. We included visual search as it is a well-studied task that is understood to provide a measurable metric for visuo-spatial attention. If crowding magnitude is strongly influenced by top-down attention, then crowding strength may correlate with visual search performance. Alternately, a more bottom-up interpretation is that crowding and surround suppression may influence the saliency of the visual features in a visual search task, which would also predict correlated performance between visual search and crowding (and/or suppression) tasks. However, our data did not reveal such a relationship. Our data do not rule out a relationship between attentional change in older adults and some aspect of crowding performance (e.g., the absence of a flanker asymmetry) because an alternate attentional resource than assessed in the visual search task can still be relevant. We also found no relationship between crowding and suppression ratios, which further suggests that these visual phenomena have distinct mechanisms. The absence of a correlation between these tasks also makes it unlikely that our observed age-related differences to surround suppression are mediated by some other nonvisual factor (such as difficulty with task complexity), which would be expected to affect each task similarly.
In general, surround suppression of contrast detection in the fovea is weak and increases with eccentricity.
19 On the other hand, surround suppression of suprathreshold perceived contrast is strong foveally, provided that the center and surround stimulus areas have similar orientation and spatial frequencies and are also robustly measurable psychophysically in the parafovea.
34 Here we show an increased strength of surround suppression of contrast detection in the parafovea in older adults. Interestingly, it has recently been shown that surround suppression of suprathreshold perceived contrast is weaker in older adults in the parafovea,
8 whereas previous studies of foveal suprathreshold contrast matching have shown stronger surround suppression of perceived contrast in older adults.
2 Perceived contrast is thought to depend on the mean level of responses, whereas detection depends on the signal-to-noise ratio of neural responses. Numerous other studies have explored alternate measures of surround suppressive effects with differing results.
35,36 For example, Betts et al.
35 measured motion discrimination thresholds in young and older adults and showed that older adults require a briefer stimulus duration for large high contrast stimuli compared with younger adults. Similarly, center-surround contextual effects such as the tilt illusion are also altered in older adults.
37 The majority of these studies were performed with central fixation rather than in the parafovea as here. The parameter space for exploring these types of perceptual phenomena is very large, and the mechanisms of some effects are more established from a neurophysiologic perspective than others. Although the neurobiological basis for the perceptual changes that arise from healthy normal aging is still being understood, a clear pattern emerges from the literature that contextual perceptual phenomena are altered by the aging process.
In conclusion, our experiments demonstrate that surround suppression of contrast detection is increased in older adults compared with younger adults, whereas visual crowding remains relatively unchanged in parafoveal vision. The attentional aspects we measured did not correlate with crowding or surround suppression, but our experimental findings do not rule out a role for attention in the magnitude of crowding. Our findings suggest that crowding and surround suppression of contrast are distinct processes. Both are likely to be relevant to remediation strategies using parafoveal vision in older individuals with macular disease. Age-related changes to surround suppression may be important to be considered in the context of predicting outcomes and possible training paradigms.