Eye and hand kinematic data were analyzed as described previously.
4–11 Briefly, position data were filtered using a bidirectional low pass second order Butterworth filter (cut-off frequency was 50 Hz for the eye data and 7.5 Hz for the hand data). A custom MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) script was used to identify movement initiation and termination. Saccadic and reach latency were obtained using velocity criteria. Specifically, the latency of the movement was defined from the onset of the stimulus to when velocity was >20°/s for saccades, and >30 mm/s for reaching movement. The end of the movement also was defined using velocity criteria (<20°/s and 30 mm/s, respectively). All data were inspected visually to ensure that the script correctly identified the onset and offset of movements.
Seven kinematic outcomes were examined: latency (saccadic latency, interocular saccadic latency difference [i.e., the difference in saccadic latency between the amblyopic eye and the fellow eye], reach latency, interocular reach latency difference [i.e., the difference in reach latency between the amblyopic eye and the fellow eye]), saccadic and reach precision (assessed by calculating the standard deviation across the reaching trials in a given experimental condition along the azimuth), and PA/W
e ratio. The PA/W
e was the ratio between the mean reach peak acceleration (PA) toward targets presented at each location and the corresponding effective target width (W
e), where W
e was defined as the endpoint precision of the reach response toward targets presented at each location. According to the motor-output variability theory proposed by Schmidt et al.,
13 higher peak acceleration would be associated with larger endpoint variability; however, typical reach movement times are >500 ms, so online feedback can be used during the deceleration phase to correct errors in the trajectory and reduce endpoint error. Therefore, the ratio of PA to endpoint precision (i.e., W
e) provides an index of the effectiveness of the online feedback correction process. For instance, a high PA/W
e ratio indicates that the person can engage in an effective online correction process because the potential error due to high PA was amended and endpoint precision was high (i.e., low W
e). In contrast, a low PA/W
e ratio indicates that the person either generated a high PA and has a large endpoint error, or generated a low PA to achieve better precision. The PA/W
e ratio analysis extends our previous work by examining the interaction between feedforward and feedback processes during the execution of reaching movements.