The authors thank Frans P.M. Cremers, Department of Human Genetics, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands and Bernhard H.F. Weber, Institute of Human Genetics, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, for their analysis of ABCA4 sequence variants and the collaborators of the Fundus Autofluorescence in Age-Related Macular Degeneration (FAM) Study as listed in the Appendix.
Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, Germany, Grants FL 658/4-1 and Ho1926/3-1; BONFOR Gerok Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bonn, Grant O-137.0020; the Stichting A.F. Deutman Researchfonds Oogheelkunde, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Nederlandse Oogonderzoek Stichting, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; the Stichting MaculaFonds, the Netherlands; and by the following foundations that contributed through UitZicht (Grants 2013-25 and 2014-3): Stichting Maculafonds, Landelijke Stichting voor Blinden en Slechtzienden, and Oogfonds. The funding organizations had no role in the design or conduct of this research. They provided unrestricted grants.
Disclosure: M. Lindner, Carl Zeiss Meditec (F, I), Genentech (F), Heidelberg Engineering (F), Optos (F), Fresenius Medical Care (I), Allergan (R), Alimera Sciences (R); S. Lambertus, None; M.M. Mauschitz, None; N.M. Bax, None; E. Kersten, None; A. Lüning, None; J. Nadal, None; S. Schmitz-Valckenberg, Novartis (C, F), Allergan (F), Bayer Healthcare (R, F), Carl Zeiss Meditec (F), Formycon (F), Genentech (F), Heidelberg Engineering (R, F), Optos (F); M. Schmid, None; F.G. Holz, Acucela (C, F), Alcon (C, F), Allergan (C, F), Bayer HealthCare (C, F), Carl Zeiss Meditec (F), Genentech/Roche (C, F), Heidelberg Engineering (C, F, R), Optos (F), Novartis (C, F), Boehringer Ingelheim (C), Merz (C); C.B. Hoyng, Bayer Healthcare (F, R), Novartis (R), Sanofi (R), Allergan (R), Roche (R), Topcon (R); M. Fleckenstein, Carl Zeiss Meditec (F), Genentech (R, F), Heidelberg Engineering (F, R), Optos (F), Merz (C), Bayer HealthCare (R), Novartis (R), P