To investigate the association of three-dimensionally quantified lesions with best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in typical neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD).
We retrospectively analyzed 65 eyes of 61 typical nAMD patients. Lesions at baseline and month 12 were manually delineated in optical coherence tomography. The volume of intraretinal fluid (IRF), subretinal fluid (SRF), subretinal hyperreflective material (SHRM), and pigment epithelial detachment (PED) were measured. In addition, the areas of external limiting membrane (ELM) and ellipsoid zone (EZ) were calculated.
At baseline, poor baseline BCVA was associated with increased volume of IRF and SHRM and impaired area of ELM (β = 0.34, P = 0.001; β = 0.46, P < 0.001; and β = −0.23, P = 0.03, respectively). At month 12, poor BCVA was associated with increased volume of IRF, reduced intact ELM area, and decreased EZ area (β = 0.24, P = 0.01; β = −0.30, P = 0.02; and β = −0.37, P = 0.004, respectively). Baseline BCVA, volume of IRF, and intact area of ELM were significant predictors for BCVA at month 12 (β = 0.29, P = 0.01; β = 0.30, P = 0.01; and β = −0.28, P = 0.01). Changes of BCVA were associated with changes of SHRM volume, intact EZ area, and ELM area (β = 0.35, P = 0.002; β = −0.28, P = 0.01; and β = −0.22, P = 0.048, respectively). The predictive power of volumetric analysis was higher than that of qualitative analysis (R2 = 0.47 vs. R2 = 0.37). The volume of SRF and fibrovascular PED showed positive and negative effect on visual outcome each, but they were not strong enough to remain in multivariate model.
Best-corrected visual acuity could be explained by three-dimensional optical coherence tomography morphology to a fair degree. In addition, three-dimensional analysis could predict visual outcomes better than qualitative analysis.
Neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) is an important cause of blindness in elderly individuals in developed countries.
1 Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) is a useful imaging technique for diagnosing and treating patients with nAMD because it can visualize cross-sectional images of retinal microstructures with high resolution.
Previous studies on visual prognostic factors using SD-OCT have shown that visual outcomes of nAMD could be explained by the presence of specific lesions, including intraretinal fluid (IRF), subretinal fluid (SRF), subretinal hyperreflective material (SHRM), pigment epithelial detachment (PED), and the integrity of ellipsoid zone (EZ) and external limiting membrane (ELM).
3–8 The majority of previous studies have investigated lesions at dichotomous status—the presence or absence at the fovea. However, retinal lesions exist as three-dimensional structures. Recent study has shown that the volumes of IRF, especially those located within 1000 μm of the foveal center, are mainly associated with visual outcomes of nAMD patients.
9 Therefore, we hypothesized that calculation of volumetric information of various pathomorphologic lesions (including SHRM and PED) and areal information of photoreceptor status in addition to the volumes of IRF and SRF could give us more accurate information of a patient's state.
In this study, we calculated the volumes of IRF, SRF, SHRM, PED, and the areas of intact EZ and ELM in nAMD patients. We determined the correlation of visual acuity at pretreatment and at month 12 with quantified lesions at each time point. We also examined the predictors for visual outcome. Finally, we compared the predictability of quantitative analysis on lesions with that of qualitative analysis.
We retrospectively reviewed medical records of typical nAMD patients treated in the Department of Ophthalmology at Konkuk University Medical Center between January 2010 and December 2015. At the initial visit, all patients underwent comprehensive ophthalmic examinations including measurement of best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), intraocular pressure, slit-lamp biomicroscopy, color fundus photography, fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), and SD-OCT using a Spectralis HRA+OCT (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). Eligible eyes had active choroidal neovascularization (CNV) secondary to AMD without previous treatment. Exclusion criteria were: high myopia (>8 diopter), images obscured by media opacity, glaucoma, combined retinal diseases, significant cataract, and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV). Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy was diagnosed when polypoidal choroidal vascular dilations with branching vascular networks were observed on ICGA. We screened 224 patients who had diagnostic code of nAMD treated with at least 3 monthly ranibizumab injections. Among them, we excluded 83 patients with PCV and 15 patients with retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP; type 3 neovascularization) by diagnostic codes and additional inspection on images. Among the remaining 126 typical nAMD patients, five patients with glaucoma and two patients with epiretinal membrane were also excluded. Fifty-eight patients were additionally excluded because of poor image qualities for delineation, missed follow-up, or omission of required medical records. This study followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. It was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Konkuk University Medical Center (KUH1100039).
Sixty-five eyes of 61 typical nAMD patients were treated with 3 monthly consecutive intravitreal injections of ranibizumab (0.5 mg/0.05 mL, Lucentis; Genentech, San Francisco, CA, USA). Additional injections were done on an as-needed basis if any of the following were observed: visual acuity reduction relative to the previous visit; recurrence or persistence of IRF, SRF, PED, and hemorrhage; increase of foveal thickness or increased angiographic leakage. When clinicians determined that ranibizumab injections could no longer improve visual acuity or lesion morphology, intravitreal bevacizumab injections were initiated on an as-needed basis (1.25 mg/0.05 mL, Avastin; Genentech). At each monthly visit, patients underwent exams including BCVA, fundus exam, color fundus photography, and SD-OCT.
In the present study, we investigated the associations between morphologic factors and visual outcome in typical nAMD using quantitative analysis of SD-OCT. Previous studies have investigated the associations between structures in SD-OCT and visual outcome in nAMD patients and found that the presence of IRF, SRF, SHRM, or PED and disruption of ELM or EZ are related to visual outcomes.
3,5–8 Majority of them have described morphologic lesions as presence or absence with one-dimensional (i.e., height, width) or two-dimensional traits (i.e., area). To obtain more realistic information, recent studies have tried to get three-dimensional information from volume scan of SD-OCT.
9,14–17 These pioneering studies have reconstructed morphologic lesions based on SD-OCT and found that three-dimensional characteristics could successfully explain the visual outcome of nAMD patients. Because those studies only focused on several selected factors, we quantified various pathomorphologic factors and investigated their effects on BCVA at baseline and month 12 as well as BCVA change.
In our study, increased volume of IRF and disruption of intact ELM area at baseline were associated with poor BCVA at baseline, consistent with previous studies using quantitative approaches.
9,16 Furthermore, baseline IRF volume and baseline intact area of ELM were predictive of poor visual outcome at month 12, consistent with previous studies using nonquantitative approaches.
3,4,8 However, for prediction of visual outcome at month 12, previous quantitative studies on IRF have reported conflicting results. Waldstein et al.
9 have found significant correlation between BCVA at month 12 and baseline optimized area indicator of IRF, which accentuated the central areas with IRF height up to 20 μm. On the other hand, Roberts et al.
16 have found no correlation between the area of IRF and posttreatment BCVA. Our result suggested that the volume of IRF within 1000-μm diameter of cylinder was a significant prognostic factor for BCVA at month 12.
The persistent negative effect of baseline IRF on BCVA at month 12 might be due to impaired signal transduction. Because bipolar cells connect the signal from photoreceptors to ganglion cell, their excessive mechanical stretching by IRF could result in dysfunction of bipolar cells as suggested in a previous study using microscopic data.
18 There was a negative correlation between the volume of baseline IRF and the intact photoreceptor area at month 12 in this study. Although the mechanism of IRF formation remains unclear, inflammatory environment could impair the function of RPE, which removes water outside the retina, eventually forming IRF.
19 On the other hand, Müller cells can control homeostasis of water and ionic concentration in the interstitial area and manage the products of metabolism of associated neural cells.
20 Previous study has shown that Müller cells are activated in AMD.
21 They seem to be harmful under pathologic conditions by secreting proangiogenic factors such as VEGF.
22,23 Although the role of activated Müller cells in nAMD remains unclear, their loss of function to sustain water balance might induce the formation of IRF. This inflammatory environment could also simultaneously damage the integrity of photoreceptor. Therefore, the predictive power of IRF volume for poor visual outcome could be explained by abnormal function of RPE and Müller cells accompanied by photoreceptor impairment.
In this study, ELM area was another predictor associated with visual outcome at month 12, consistent with results of a previous study.
16 External limiting membrane is thought to be essential for photoreceptor function. Disruption of ELM significantly affects visual impairment.
24,25 In the multivariate regression model, intact ELM area and IRF volume at baseline were selected as significant quantitative factors that could creditably explain visual prognosis. Therefore, ELM area and IRF volume could be used as good prognostic factors for visual acuity at month 12. Among all baseline factors, baseline BCVA was the most powerful predictor of BCVA at month 12. Although direct comparison of our results with other quantitative studies is inappropriate due to different conditions, the construction of a prognostic model from various quantitative morphologic factors is one strength of this present study.
With regard to morphologic factors at month 12, IRF volume and intact ELM area were still significant factors explaining BCVA at month 12. In addition, reduction of intact EZ area was another significant factor associated with poor BCVA, consistent with results of previous qualitative studies.
5,25 On the other hand, change of IRF volume was not associated with change of BCVA. These results might imply that impaired visual function is only partly reversible by anti-VEGF treatment when IRF volume persists significantly.
Next, we investigated the associated factors for change of visual acuity. Patients with poor baseline BCVA had more chance to improve visual acuity than those with good baseline BCVA, consistent with results of previous studies.
26,27 Interestingly, SHRM volume was the only volumetric factor associated with BCVA change. Although increased SHRM volume was correlated with poor BCVA at baseline, thick SHRM at baseline was associated with statistically significant BCVA improvement after 12 months. The amount of SHRM volume reduction was also associated with BCVA increment, consistent with results of previous qualitative and quantitative studies.
6,17 This phenomenon could be explained by the recovery of photoreceptor because the reduction of SHRM volume was associated with the increment of intact ELM and EZ area. Subretinal hyperreflective material has various elements, including fluid, blood, fibrovascular tissue, and CNV in the subretinal area.
6 These materials could damage the overlying ELM and EZ and impair the visual acuity at baseline. However, this effect is likely reversible in contrast to IRF-induced damage. Therefore, new approaches to reduce SHRM might help patients gain visual acuity. For example, anti-fibrotic agents might act as an adjunctive therapy to reduce fibrous components in SHRM (Whitlock A, et al.
IOVS 2014;55:ARVO E-Abstract 1203).
The volume of SRF seemed to have positive effect on visual outcome. Baseline SRF volume was associated with good final BCVA in univariate regression analysis, although such relationship was not significant in multivariate regression analysis. In qualitative analysis of our study, the presence of SRF spanning fovea was a strong predictor of good visual prognosis. Recent studies using qualitative and quantitative methods have also found a weak positive effect of SRF on visual outcome.
5,9,27 Taken together, at least SRF might be harmless to visual prognosis. It might have beneficial effect.
5,9,27 Subretinal fluid could serve as a buffer to protect photoreceptor from direct appositional damage caused by active inflammatory CNV lesion. Further study is needed to clarify the role of SRF.
The role of PEDs on visual outcome remains ambiguous. Baseline volume of FVPED, not of SPED, was associated with poor BCVA both at baseline and month 12 in the univariate regression analysis of this study, but not in the multivariate regression model. Changes of BCVA showed no correlation with volumetric changes of either type of PED. Similarly, a previous study has reported that the presence of FVPED at baseline is associated with poor visual outcome while the resolution of FVPED is not correlated with visual gain.
28 From these results, FVPED might be associated with irreversible damage on visual function, like IRF volume. However, the route of negative effect remains unclear. Intact photoreceptor area at month 12 was not correlated with the volume of PED at baseline. All results about PEDs in our study were not strong enough to be remained in multivariate regression model. Therefore, the effect of PEDs on visual outcome needs to be confirmed by further studies.
Finally, we investigated whether the prognostic power using volumetric quantification of factors was superior over qualitative classification. Although dichotomous classification could easily provide interpretable information on the state, we hypothesized that this approach could miss detailed information of three-dimensional structures and lead to weak predictive power for visual outcome. Regression analysis using baseline qualitative classification showed that the presence of baseline IRF, SRF, and the disruption of photoreceptor could predict visual outcome as in volumetric analysis. However, R2 of the regression model using qualitative analysis was 0.37, which was lower than 0.47 from volumetric quantification. R2 indicates how much the regression model can explain visual prognosis. From this result, volumetric analysis of morphologic factors could be a good alternative of qualitative analysis to predict visual outcome.
On the other hand, visual prognosis showed no statistically significant improvement and the number of injections of our cohort was relatively lower than that in other reports.
29 Because the National Health Insurance system of South Korea covers a limited number of ranibizumab injections, the number of injections in our study might have been lower than that in other countries as shown in another study in South Korea.
30 In addition, the exclusion of PCV might have reduced the number of injections because there are cases that require frequent injections.
31 In addition, there were still 28 eyes (43.1%) with SHRM at month 12, and half of them had increased SHRM volumes with significantly lower increases of BCVA. This substantial proportion of increased SHRM after treatment might have hindered the improvement of BCVA.
This study has several limitations. First, only volumetric information of lesions within a 1000-μm diameter of cylinder was obtained because the previous study of Waldstein et al.
9 has shown that lesion within 1000 μm diameter was mainly associated with visual outcome. The spatial weighting function depending on the location, which was used in their study,
9 might be considered in a further study because the density of photoreceptors could be reduced as the location is getting away from the foveola. Developing customized software for SD-OCT images could solve these problems. Although we could not calculate sophisticated functions, our study has implications for implementing volume and area calculation within cylinder space with noncommercial open source programs ImageJ and 3D Slicer. Second, the wide spacing of B-scans (250 μm apart) in our study could not fully reflect the real morphology of lesions. Denser B-scans might allow us to get more precise information and lead to better predictions for visual outcome. Third, the study population was limited to typical nAMD patients. Because of different characteristics and prognosis of PCV and RAP, we did not include those patients to avoid confounding statistical results from mixed disease entities.
32 To understand the nAMD comprehensively, further study should be done by including PCV and RAP patients and comparing the effects of three-dimensional aspects on prognosis between the two types of nAMD. Fourth, volumetric analysis is not readily applicable to clinical setting because manual delineation is a time-consuming and elaborative process. The ImageJ and 3D Slicer software programs we used were convenient to reconstruct the volume. However, their automatic demarcation ability was not enough to find the exact edge of structures, leading to manual correction. Recent studies have started to develop software based on machine learning algorithms with successful results in delineating fluid edge.
33,34 Further studies on these algorithms will allow us to obtain volumetric information more quickly and accurately in clinical settings. Finally, the retrospective nature of this study and small number of patients are also the limitations of this study. Further prospective and randomized clinical studies will be required.
In conclusion, volumetric analysis on SD-OCT is a useful approach to explain visual status. It can be used to predict visual outcome of typical nAMD patients.