This prospective study, conducted at a tertiary care academic practice, enrolled consecutive patients undergoing primary SLT with a clinical diagnosis of OHT, glaucoma suspect, or primary open-angle glaucoma. The study followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional review board of the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Primary therapy for the purpose of the study was defined as SLT being considered as the only IOP-lowering modality whether or not patients have used IOP-lowering medications in the past. Subjects considered for the study were those interested in SLT as primary first-line therapy, those with a preference to discontinue current medication(s) for concerns such as side effects and medication cost, and those who were recommended SLT due to past poor compliance with medication use. After the patient agreed to proceed with SLT, he or she was approached for participation in this study. A total of 31 of 35 consecutive subjects agreed to participate in the study and gave informed consent.
Participating subjects underwent a screening visit composed of a detailed anterior segment examination, including dynamic gonioscopy, and a dilated fundus examination. A subjective assessment was made of angle pigmentation on a scale of 0 to 4. Inclusion criteria consisted of subjects with a clinical diagnosis of OHT, glaucoma suspect, or primary open-angle glaucoma undergoing primary SLT (as defined above) who were either not on any medications or could be safely washed out of a single topical medication. Subjects were excluded if they had a history of prior ocular incisional surgical procedures, known history of past laser trabeculoplasty, corneal opacity precluding fluorophotometry, use of topical or systemic steroids within 3 months of the study, narrow angle (scleral spur not visible for greater than 180 degrees without pressure on dynamic gonioscopy), secondary open-angle glaucoma (exfoliation, pigment dispersion, or angle recession glaucoma), and known allergy to fluorescein, proparacaine, or sulfa medications. Subjects with a diagnosis associated with potential retinal ischemia (diabetic retinopathy or retinal arterial or vein occlusion) also were excluded from the study.
Of the 31 enrolled subjects, none were excluded from participation at the screening visit.
Enrolled subjects on a topical medication at the time of screening started a washout in both eyes, after approving the safety of the washout with the treating physician. For subjects who had stopped the topical medication before the screening visit, washout was deemed to start at the reported time point of stopping the medication. Of the eight subjects who underwent washout before baseline measurements were made, seven were using a prostaglandin analog in both eyes and one was using a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor in both eyes. Washout for a prostaglandin analog was a minimum of 4 weeks and that for the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor was 1 week. During the washout period, IOP was monitored every 2 weeks. The actual median washout in the study was 7 weeks (range, 4–11 weeks).
Subsequent to the screening visit and any required washout, subjects underwent a baseline assessment of AHD. Standard techniques for AHD measurement and the underlying assumptions have been reported previously.
16 For the purpose of fluorophotometry, subjects self-instilled 8 drops of sodium fluorescein at 10 PM the night before each scheduled visit. On the study day, central cornea thickness and anterior chamber depth were measured by ultrasound pachymetry and A-scan, respectively. Seated IOP was measured by pneumatonometer (performed by SF, CBT, or DGN, masked to treatment plan) at 9 AM, followed by hourly fluorophotometry scans until noon. Intraocular pressure measurement was repeated at noon. Episcleral venous pressure was measured at 10 AM using an episcleral venomanometer.
17 For both EVP and IOP, two measurements were obtained for each eye. A third measurement was obtained if the first two differed by more than 2 mm Hg. The median value for each eye was used for analysis. The rate of fluorescein decay in the cornea and anterior chamber was used to calculate the aqueous humor flow rate.
16 Subjects were given 500 mg acetazolamide at noon. Three additional hourly fluorescein scans and IOP measurements were obtained after acetazolamide administration. Outflow facility was calculated as the ratio of change in flow to change in IOP accomplished by acetazolamide. Two-minute pneumatonography was performed at 3 PM after all other measurements were completed. Intraocular pressure data during tonography was captured digitally at 40 Hz using Powerlab (ADInstruments, Colorado Springs, CO, USA) and Lab Chart 7 (ADInstruments) software. The starting and ending IOP were deduced using regression techniques previously described.
18,19 Pressure volume relationship data for the human eye were thereby used to calculate the outflow facility by tonography.
20 Uveoscleral outflow was calculated with the modified Goldmann equation, by using the outflow facility obtained by fluorophotometry and tonography, respectively. Data were obtained from all study eyes and the contralateral untreated eyes that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The study eye underwent SLT within 1 week of obtaining baseline measurements. Preoperatively, all subjects received one drop each of pilocarpine 2% and brimonidine 0.2%. Goldmann lens was used to perform all trabeculoplasties. A total of 80 spots were placed over 360 degrees of the anterior chamber angle. Laser power was titrated starting at 0.8 mJ (with the exception of one case with excessive angle pigment) to 0.1 mJ below the minimum required to generate “champagne bubbles” at the application site. A subjective estimate of the percentage of applied laser spots associated with champagne bubbles was recorded by the treating physician (VG) in the patient chart. Intraocular pressure was checked 1 hour after the laser treatment and the patients were provided with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drop to use if needed for relief of ocular pain and discomfort.
Following SLT, two subjects required topical IOP-lowering medications in the study eye (one prostaglandin analog, one carbonic anhydrase inhibitor), and four subjects required IOP-lowering medications in the fellow control eye (three prostaglandin analogs, one carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) in the postoperative period. All medications were washed out using the protocol described above before obtaining the 3-month follow-up study measurements.
Three months after the SLT, the subjects underwent repeat assessment of all AHD variables obtained at the baseline visit.
Descriptive statistics were calculated for all data. Data are presented as mean ± SD unless indicated otherwise. The primary comparison was made for the IOP and AHD data obtained in the study eye between baseline and 3 months after the laser treatment using paired
t-tests. Sample size was calculated based on changes in outflow facility, which was the leading hypothesis before the conduct of the study. With an expected change in outflow facility of 0.05 μL/min/mm Hg and presumed SD of 0.09 μL/min/mm Hg for the change,
9 a sample of 27 subjects would have 80% power to detect such a difference at an α of 0.05. Multiple linear regression was used to study the association between baseline AHD, demographic, and treatment parameters and IOP response. Three separate regression models were constructed: one based on parameters of AHD (aqueous flow, EVP, outflow facility, and uveoscleral outflow), the second based on patient demographic variables (age, sex, race, and central corneal thickness), and the third based on variables relevant to laser-tissue interaction (angle pigmentation, total laser energy used, and percentage of spots with bubble formation). A stepwise backward elimination approach was used to develop the model, discarding associations with a
P value less than 0.05 until all remaining covariates in the model had a
P value less than 0.05. Interactions were not included in the model to limit the covariates given the small sample size. The outcome variable for both models was mean change (mean for 9 AM and 12 noon) in IOP. Multiple regression analysis also was performed using the percentage change in IOP as the outcome variable (rather than absolute change in IOP). A
P value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.