This study demonstrates RGCs' remarkable regenerative potential long after optic nerve injury. Few studies have examined RGC axon regeneration in a postinjury treatment paradigm,
17,18,21 and as far as we know, none with treatment given beyond 10 days after injury. More work has been done in the spinal cord to address chronic stages of central nerve injury, and in this context, studies have shown that neurons (e.g., dorsal root ganglion neurons, cerebrospinal neurons, rubrospinal neurons, etc.) may be induced to regenerate an axon (with varying degrees of success) at 4 weeks, and even up to a year, after experimental injury.
34–41 These findings have not been reproduced in RGCs, likely a consequence of their widespread axotomy-induced death due to proximity of injury to soma. We provide evidence against an intrinsic critical period for axon regeneration in wild-type and Bax KO mice by showing significantly enhanced growth rates following delayed AAV-CNTF treatment. Interestingly, there are similar rates of axon regeneration in Bax KO mice, whether treatment is provided acutely or chronically. However, any comparison of regenerative capacity between Bax KO and wild-type mice must take into account significant phenotypic differences, including approximately double the RGC number prior to injury,
28–30 enhanced survival of proximal axonal segments,
31,32 and muted macrophage and microglial activation.
33 It is also worth noting that approximately twice as many regenerating RGC axons were found in Bax KO animals compared to the WT counterparts. This is in line with the previous reports that showed that approximately twice as many RGC axons regenerate in Bcl-2 transgenic mice (in which apoptosis is also blocked) compared to wild-type mice.
42 Since approximately 20% to 30% of RGCs survive (∼10,000 RGCs) with AAV-CNTF treatment at 21 days post crush (data not shown), approximately 0.2% of surviving RGCs may be regenerating axons at least to 1 mm distal to lesion in the wild-type mice. On the other hand, given that almost all RGCs survive in Bax KO mice (i.e., ∼80,000 RGCs),
28 approximately 0.05% of RGCs are regenerating axons. Thus, although more axons regenerate in Bax KO mice, perhaps due to higher cell number, it seems that a smaller portion of RGCs is actually capable of regenerating axons compared to wild-type. In this regard, it is worth noting that MBP level is higher in the lesion site of Bax KO mice compared to wild-type animals 3 weeks after injury. This could be due to (1) slower myelin clearance, (2) less oligodendrocyte death in the lesion area, or (3) more rapid regeneration of myelin in Bax KO mice. We do not know which of these possibilities contribute to the higher presence of MBP in the lesion site in the KO mice. Nonetheless, these results indicate that the smaller portion of RGCs able to regenerate in Bax KO mice despite the higher cell number could in part be explained by the intense level of myelin (i.e., often referred to as a growth inhibitor) in the lesion site in the KO mice. While the cause of regenerative failure in the majority of RGCs remains to be elucidated, this finding highlights the resilient ability of surviving RGCs to regenerate axons long after injury.