The long- and middle-wavelength sensitive opsin genes (L- and M-opsin genes;
OPN1MW, respectively) reside in a head-to-tail tandem array on Xq28 and share 98% nucleotide identity.
1 The normal gene array is composed of a locus control region (LCR), a single L gene followed by one or more M genes with only the first two genes in the array expressed due to their proximity to the upstream cis-regulatory LCR.
2–5 Mutations in the LCR, L- (
OPN1LW), and M- (
OPN1MW) opsin genes on Xq28 lead to various X-linked cone-photoreceptor disorders including red-green color vision defects (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man [OMIM] #303800 and #303900), X-linked cone dysfunction (Bornholm Eye Disease [BED], OMIM #300843), X-linked cone dystrophy, and blue cone monochromatism (BCM; OMIM #303700).
1,4,6–25 Rare exon 3 interchange haplotypes are a recently described group of mutations of the opsin genes on chromosome X, which involve amino acid residues 153, 171, 174, 178, and 180, and their name is the acronym of the one letter code of specific amino acids present at these locations. Normal opsin genes specify the haplotypes LVAIS and MVAIA in the L and M genes, respectively. Toxic opsin variants that have been discovered in human opsin-related diseases so far include LVAVA, LIAVA, LIAVS, LIVVA, MVVVA, and MIAVA.
4,11,26–31 Patients reported so far with an exon 3 interchange haplotype are summarized in the Supplementary Material. Toxic exon 3 interchange haplotypes have been commonly reported in BED.
14,26,29,32–34 BED was originally described in a family from the Danish island of Bornholm.
32 The second family with BED from Minnesota had also a Danish origin.
14 Affected males had infantile onset myopia with astigmatism, decreased visual acuity from childhood, subnormal photopic, and normal scotopic electroretinogram (ERG) parameters with normal macular appearance. The disease showed no progression with age. The first family had a deutan while the second had a protan color vision defect. The disease was accounted for by the LVAVA interchange haplotype in one of the first two genes in the opsin gene array in both families. This observation was the first to identify LVAVA haplotype as a cause of BED.
26 LVAVA haplotype associated to a similar phenotype with either protan or deutan color vision defect in four individuals from four recently reported families.
28 Rare interchange haplotypes have been shown to cause skipping of exon 3, a frame shift and premature termination of translation. However, in contrast to the LIAVA haplotype, there was a residual low level of correctly spliced opsin mRNA with the LVAVA or MIAVA haplotypes observed indicating some amount of functionally normal opsin proteins.
29,35 Accordingly, color vision defect was explained by the lack of either L- or M-opsin genes in the first two positions of the opsin gene array instead of a direct opsin inactivating effect in patients with the LVAVA haplotype.
26 These observation suggests that the LVAVA haplotype has a dominant effect on the development of myopia, a key element of BED, however, it is transcribed at a sufficient level to provide normal opsin function.
26 The strongest clinical evidence supporting this hypothesis is the report on two Chinese families with nonsyndromic high myopia associating to the LVAVA haplotype.
33,34 However, this represents a strikingly different phenotype than observed in BED patients with the same haplotype. Interestingly, the LVAVA haplotype is unique among interchange mutations in another aspect as well. According to its definition, BED is a nonprogressive disease. However, a spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy analysis of two patients with an LVAVA-only genotype showed characteristic signs of progressive macular dystrophy including overall retinal thinning, mottling of photoreceptor inner segments, and structural disruption of the inner retina and the outer nuclear layer.
27 This finding indicated that LVAVA haplotype causes progressive degenerative changes that result in damage to neighboring cells in addition to those expressing the mutated opsin. Moreover, these patients gradually developed clinical signs of BED during their elementary school years, representing a somewhat later disease onset than observed in other BED patients.
27 Taken together, our understanding on the genotype–phenotype correlation associating to the LVAVA haplotype has largely developed since the first description of BED as a stationary disease with color vision deficiency. Recent papers highlight that LVAVA expressing cones remain functional in early life and degenerate later.
27,29,33–35 Phenotypic variability observed in patients with the LVAVA haplotype can presumably be accounted for by other genetic modifiers, the mutational status of the opposite opsin gene, and the number of cones expressing the mutant opsin in the retina. In the present paper, we describe a large multigeneration family with X-linked high myopia and late onset cone dysfunction. The disease is caused by the rare interchange haplotypes LVAVA and MVAVA in the L- and M-opsin genes, respectively. This combination has not been reported so far and provides a unique opportunity to investigate the joint effect of these haplotypes. Moreover, the large multigeneration family provides excellent possibility to observe disease phenotype across different generations and gain insight into disease progression. Besides, we followed the proband for 8 years in order to document disease progression in a single individual. Our results shed light on a new phenotype of cone dystrophy associating to the LVAVA/MVAVA rare interchange haplotypes in the L- and M-opsin genes. This is the first report on the combination of LVAVA and MVAVA haplotypes in the L- and M-opsin genes, respectively. Our findings provide robust clinical evidence for late onset progressive cone dystrophy indicating that these haplotypes have little or no effect on color vision and visual acuity in early life but lead to slowly progressive late-onset cone–rod dystrophy characterized by a progressively declining visual acuity along with color vision deficiency in patients older than 40 years.