Erratum in: “Comparison Between Spectral-Domain and Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiographic Imaging of Choroidal Neovascularization” by Andrew R. Miller, Luiz Roisman, Qinqin Zhang, Fang Zheng, Joao Rafael de Oliveira Dias, Zohar Yehoshua, Karen B. Schaal, William Feuer, Giovanni Gregori, Zhongdi Chu, Chieh-Li Chen, Sophie Kubach, Lin An, Paul F. Stetson, Mary K. Durbin, Ruikang K. Wang, and Philip J. Rosenfeld (
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017;58:1499–1505) doi:
When the article was first published, the Figure 1 legend stated that all images were swept source, but A–B and E–F are swept source, whereas C–D and G–H are spectral domain. In Reference 16, the journal name should be Ophthalmology Retina. The article has been corrected online.
Citation: Miller AR, Roisman L, Zhang Q, Zheng F, de Oliveira Dias JR, Yehoshua Z, Schaal KB, Feuer W, Gregori G, Chu Z, Chen C-L, Kubach S, An L, Stetson PF, Durbin MK, Wang RK, Rosenfeld PJ. Erratum in: Comparison between spectral-domain and swept-source optical coherence tomography angiographic imaging of choroidal neovascularization.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017;58:2166–2166. DOI: