The findings from this study indicate that augmentation of MPOD leads to increases in CS and LIS, and suggest that CS is improved via enhancement of LIS. The significant changes in MPOD, CS, and LIS versus placebo are supportive of this idea, and the significant relationship between the changes in CS and LIS over the entire 12-month study period further bolsters the argument. Although MP acts as an optical filter and this fact can explain many of its effects on vision, light filtration cannot account for an increase in CS because the percent absorption of the light versus dark bars of the grating is equivalent. Moreover, an overall reduction in luminance would serve to
decrease signal-to-noise ratio, which runs counter to our results. The mechanism responsible for this effect must therefore involve something other than modification of the retinal image by MPOD. The most plausible possibility is enhancement of the neurophysiology of the retina, where increased MPOD, via antioxidant action, would serve to increase the metabolic efficiency of the visual cycle (see e.g., Ref. 10). To a first approximation, this would lead to faster photopigment regeneration, which would manifest as faster dark adaptation with higher MPOD. This relationship was found recently in a cross-sectional study of healthy young adults,
22 and Patryas et al.
23 produced data that trended in this same direction for a sample of relatively older subjects.
Enhancing the visual cycle via increasing antioxidant capacity, however, would also have effects on the post–receptoral circuitry serving the aforementioned center-surround receptive fields. In fact, maintaining an optimal “redox homeostasis” (in which the balance between oxidation and antioxidant capacity is optimal for health and function) has been suggested as a mechanism for increasing the efficiency of several neural processes.
24 In terms of retinal physiology (as noted in the Introduction), the soluble gas neurotransmitter nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to amplify the difference between outputs of the center versus surround of a receptive field.
17 This would increase the signal-to-noise ratio in the output of center-surround receptive fields, would lead to increased sensitivity in the Hermann grid task (as was found in our study), and would ultimately lead to greater CS (also found in our study). The function of NO is strongly affected by the oxidative state of the tissue in which it is active
24; at advantageous levels, NO promotes efficient neural function. But if oxidative stress is too high, NO will itself generate potentially neurotoxic radical species, such as N
3 and peroxynitrite (ONOO−).
25 Sufficient antioxidant capacity therefore appears crucial to neural health and function. Following this line of reasoning, the increase in MPOD seen in our study may have brought subjects closer to a point of optimal oxidative equilibrium in the retina, and may explain not only the findings of enhanced LIS and CS presented in this article but also the significant improvements in CS with increased MPOD reported in previous investigations.
Although the effects characterized in this article were related to increases in MPOD, it is noteworthy that there was no statistically significant difference between 12- and 24-mg supplement groups for any of the outcome measures. Generally, higher doses of L, Z, and/or MZ are associated with higher retinal response rates in terms of MPOD.
26 It is possible that, despite random assignment to groups, response was simply more robust in subjects within the 12- versus 24-mg groups. Indeed, there were seven subjects in the 12-mg group who responded very strongly to the supplement, increasing by at least 0.25 OD over the 12-month study period, and there were no “nonresponders” (OD increase <0.05) in this group. By contrast, only five of the subjects in the 24-mg group increased by 0.25 OD or more, and there were three nonresponders in this group. There are several potential sources of variability in response among subjects, including the efficiency of mechanisms involved in transport
27 and binding,
28 and/or perhaps demand for these carotenoids for more immediate uses, such as the reduction of systemic inflammation or oxidation.
29 Because of the many health and performance benefits derived from increased systemic and local concentrations of these carotenoids, determining the factors that contribute to absorption, transport, binding, and deposition has become one of the most important scientific questions for this area. Ultimately, our results appeared to depend on the change in MPOD that supplementation produced, regardless of dose level or subject response kinetics.
In terms of application to “real-world” vision, the results of our study elucidate some important points. First (and most generally), these results illustrate that improvements in very specific aspects of nutrition can confer significant neurophysiological and visual performance improvements, even in healthy, young subjects. Because CS is fundamental to visual performance, improvements in this dimension should manifest as appreciable improvements in daily visual (and related) tasks. Perhaps the clarity of distant objects would be relatively better, such that a sign may be read at increased distance while driving. An improvement in recognition would, in turn, yield additional time for decision making, or result in faster reaction time. In a driving scenario, this would presumably improve driving performance and safety. In support of this line of reasoning, a recent simulation of visibility of objects at a distance viewed through atmospheric haze has been shown to be better as a function of MPOD.
30 With respect to relatively long-term effects on vision, improved CS may improve the visual resolution of text (e.g., presented on a computer monitor/tablet, or on a printed page). Although this improvement may be very slight, over a time span of several hours, the cumulative effect could result in less visual strain (e.g., squinting), which may result in reduced visual fatigue and perhaps lower incidence of headache. We plan to evaluate these hypotheses in a future study.