A major site of damage to retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons in glaucoma is the optic nerve head (ONH), within the lamina cribrosa.
1–3 The biomechanical transmission of stress from intraocular pressure (IOP) produces strain in both the sclera and the ONH,
4–6 generating detrimental effects on RGC axons, ONH astrocytes, and nutritional blood flow in the nerve head.
7 The IOP level that produces RGC loss can be variable among individuals; some eyes suffer damage at IOPs that would be considered normal based on population studies, whereas many eyes with elevated IOP suffer no detectable damage. This suggests that the short- and long-term responses of scleral and ONH connective tissues to changes in IOP represent possible biomarkers for glaucoma incidence and progression. Normal lamina cribrosa structure is remodeled in glaucoma eyes, becoming deeper and wider
8 under the influence of a variety of factors, notably the stress of IOP as delivered through the sclera.
9 The regional differences in connective tissue density and pore size within the lamina cribrosa and greater regional strains suggest that the upper and lower poles of the ONH are weaker at resisting the stress of IOP in both human
10–14 and nonhuman primate eyes.
15 Indeed, these regions contain the axons of the RGCs most susceptible to glaucoma injury. In engineering models, the behavior of both the peripapillary sclera and the lamina cribrosa determine the effect of IOP.
16–18 Risk factors for human glaucoma include features of corneo-scleral anatomy or physiology, including axial myopia, corneal hysteresis, and corneal thickness.
19 In human eyes with glaucoma, the sclera is stiffer by in vivo indirect measurement
20 and by ex vivo inflation testing
21 and undergoes alterations in collagen fiber orientation.
22 Optical coherence tomography (OCT) permits high-resolution imaging of the retina, choroid,
23 sclera, and ONH.
24 It may be possible to therapeutically alter the ocular mechanical response to IOP to benefit those with glaucoma,
25 as has been shown in mice.