Representative meERG results for eyes with experimental lesions. (
A) Flat-mount eye cup showing central lesion outlined in
red (area = 2.29 mm
2, centered 1.21 mm from ONH, circled in
green). (
B) Difference map of corneal potentials plotting number of standard deviations from the average normal eye response at each location for this eye (c.f.
Fig. 5). Evaluation based on meERG responses at
t = 4 ms. Electrodes A1 and B7 not working in this experiment; amplitude values at these locations were interpolated from the remaining 23 electrode values. (
C) A ring electrode ratios (
Equation 3), showing normal eye mean ± 2 SD (
solid and
dashed black lines, respectively) and the ratios for this individual animal (
red line), evaluated at
t = 4 ms. (
D) B ring electrode ratios, showing normal eye mean ± 2 SD (
solid and
dashed black lines) and the ratios for this individual animal (
red line), evaluated at
t = 4 ms. (
G) Analysis as in panels
B through
D, respectively, for meERG response amplitudes evaluated at the peak of the b-wave. (
H) Flat-mount eye cup showing peripheral lesion outlined in
blue (area = 6.56 mm
2, centered 2.27 mm from ONH, circled in
green). All 25 meERG channels were working in this experiment. (
N) Analysis as in panels
B through
G, respectively, for the eye shown in panel