Details of the SHRP2 purpose, study design, enrollment procedures, and data collection methods have been published previously.
22–24 The study involved a sample of drivers from six US sites (Bloomington, IN, USA; State College, PA, USA; Tampa Bay, FL, USA; Buffalo, NY, USA; Durham, NC, USA; Seattle, WA, USA), representing a wide range of geographies, weather, state laws, road types, and road usage. Participants were recruited through a combination of random-digit dialing, random-digit dialing of individuals who were believed to own an eligible vehicle, and public advertising.
22 More than 18,000 individuals were recruited for screening.
22 Potential participants were contacted by the Virginia Tech Center for Survey Research with a telephone call to discuss the study protocol and confirm eligibility. Individuals who were licensed drivers, drove at least 3 days per week, planned to keep the vehicle for the duration of the study (i.e., 1 or 2 more years for most participants), and had an eligible and mechanically sound vehicle were eligible to participate.
22 Consenting and eligible participants completed a standard intake process during a single in-person visit at regional study sites. Participants were enrolled from October 2010 through December 2013 and were followed up over time, most participating 1 to 2 years. The final SHRP2 sample included 3541 drivers aged 16 to 98 years. For the current analysis, the sample was limited to drivers aged ≥70 years (
N = 659), since the focus of the study is on older drivers and the rate of crash involvement and older driver fatalities does not markedly begin to increase until the 70s.
25,26 This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.