Both S
cc and LCS were able to discriminate between healthy subjects and patients with retinal diseases; on the other hand, DRPD did not reliably detect any abnormality in the distribution of distances in the study population. This is related to the fact that this metric is calculated from the shape of the DRP, which remains unchanged even for large undersampling (only the vertical scale, i.e., cone density, is influenced by cell loss).
18 Previously, Cooper et al.
13 showed, in simulated Adaptive Optics Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) images of the cone mosaic, that the DRPD was remarkably insensitive to undersampling of cone coordinates, being unable to classify as pathologic mosaics with up to 60% loss of cone reflectivity. In the same study,
13 the authors found that NND was also insensitive to undersampling (up to 50%). Therefore, the use of single spatial metrics based on DRPD or NND would not be clinically valuable to accurately discriminate between healthy and pathologic photoreceptor mosaics. To overcome this major limit of NND in evaluating the distribution of cell distances in a human retinal cone mosaic, we previously developed the LCS metric.
24 In this study, the S
cc and LCS were highly correlated and could be used interchangeably without incurring any methodological error until 20% to 25% of the cones in the given mosaic have been lost (e.g., cases with hard drusen and NPDR in this study). However, both correlation and agreement between this pair of spacing metrics dropped when cell reflectivity loss was ≥30%, primarily when comparison was made in 64 × 64-μm sampling areas (e.g., cases with inherited retinal dystrophies). In this study, cases with retinal diseases had significantly fewer six-sided Voronois than healthy cone mosaics, as expected, because lattice quality diminishes with disease progression (as well as with retinal eccentricity even in healthy subjects).
13,17,24 The S
cc, which provides a single-point estimate without a measure of variation and assumes an ordered lattice, is more prone to overestimating the integrity of the cone mosaic in retinal diseases than LCS. On the other hand, LCS alone may lose the sensitivity to detect small deviations from normal (<20% undersampling, as for example in hard drusen and NPDR cases in this study). Because the methodology of calculating LCS also indirectly provides estimates of both the SD and mean of the distances between cells, the use of their ratio, previously termed Linear Dispersion index,
24 has been shown to achieve enough sensitivity to evaluate the averaged distribution of cell distances across the parafovea in controlled clinical study.