Purpose :
To demonstrate the wound healing of sclerotomies performed by the Mobile Trocar: a prototype that is able to range its internal diameter from 25 to 20 gauge during PPV (Pars Plana Vitrectomy) surgeries. The study compares the sclerotomy cicatrization between the mobile and conventional trocars throught a histological study. See the Figure 1.
Methods :
An experimental study analyzed the eyes of four males New Zealand Rabbits submitted to sclerotomies at 2 mm from the limbus. Sclerotomy incision cicatrization was observed 21 days after this procedure. Three groups were studied: The control group (two eyes) which received no sclerotomies in order to observe the natural collagen fibers. Research Group I: Three eyes received sclerotomies with conventional trocars with the diameters (20, 23 and 25 gauge) in paired form (always right eye). Research Group II: Three eyes in paired form (always the left eye) received sclerotomies with the mobile trocar, ranging in the specific diameter of each trocar of the contralateral eye. Scleral healing analysis: slit lamp picture of each sclerotomy at the moment of euthanasia and with the measurement of the external diameter of the sclerotomy with image software: Image J. Peri-incisional collagen fibers were stained with Picrosirius Red (PR) and evaluated with the software: Image ProPlus (IMPP).
Results :
The Control group presented sclera collagen fibers with average thickness of 5 to 7 micrometer and IMPP index of 0.012397. Comparison between Research Group I and II (Conventional Trocar 20 gauge and Mobile): showed the worst fiber disorganization and IMPP of 0.156982 / 0.048762. Imaje J of 0.705 / 0.502 mm, respectively. Conventional 23 gauge and Mobile Trocater: showed moderate and minimal fiber disorganization. IMPP index was 0.032097 / .0.048762, and Imaje J of 0.505 / 0.467 mm, respectively. Regarding, PR image, the display of scleral collagen fibers and organization of the interfibrillar spaces were more regulary observed, with the Mobile Trocar samples. See Figure 2.
Conclusions :
The study revealed there are no differences in the healing of scleral collagen among the smaller diameter trocars (25 gauge), as well as their superiority in those with larger diameters (20 and 23 gauge).
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2017 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2017.