Purpose :
To describe the peripheral angiography (FA), autofluorecence(AF) and color photo(PF) findings in patients with AMD, and correlate these with risk factors and clinical presentation.
Methods :
Clinical base, descriptive, transversal study. A total of 84 patients, 168 eyes with clinical diagnosis of AMD, were evaluated at Clinica Oftalmológica de Antioquia (CLOFAN), Medellin-Colombia. Ultra wide-field (UWF) were taken with Optomap 200TX in patients with clinical diagnosis of AMD. All images were graded by one evaluator, describing the findings outside of F1-2-3. Images with less than 200 grades, bad quality or coexistent diagnosis were excluded.
Results :
Mean age was 71,5 years old, 59,5% of the patients were female. 20 eyes were excluded. There is not ststistically significant relationship between the smoker group and peripheral findings, or High blood presure and peripheral findings. 47,8% of the subjects had non advanced dry AMD, 33,5% had wet-AMD and 19,2% had geographic atrophy.
Conclusions :
We still need to better understand the meaning of these peripheral changes in elderly population. These findings may have a role as bio markers of progression and prognosis of the disease. Further analysis and follow up of this group may help us understand the implications and correlations of different phenotypes. Images taken with the Optos 200TX Camera could find AMD related findings absent in the center.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2017 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2017.