Purpose :
Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) is precise and safe but seldom reported with the high myopia cataract. We performed a retrospective, observational clinical study to identify the changes in the visual acuity (uncorrected distance visual acuity, UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), potential visual acuity (PVA), refractive errors, eye axis length, cornea curvature and astigmatism of those high myopia cataract before and after the FLACS.
Methods :
We compared the UDVA of 1 month post-surgery and the CDVA within 1 month pre-surgery; And PVA (only before the surgery) was compared to the UDVA post-surgery and CDVA pre-surgery, respectively. Visual acuity records were all transferred into logMAR visual acuity records for comparison. Spherical equivalence (SE) and total astigmatism of the refractive error, axial length (AL), average central cornea power and cornea astigmatism of total 31 eyes(total 24 patients, 14 female) with cataract and high myopia(axis length ≥ 25.98mm) were all analyzed 1 month post-surgery and those pre-surgery using LenSx (Alcon, U.S.A) completing all FLACS of laser capsulotomy, lens fragmentation, clear cornea incision; Only 2 cases accepted and completed the peripheral cornea relaxation incision(PCRI) for the cornea astigmatism correction. Using statistics software SPSS 17.0 to do all the data student paired t-test,P <0.05 was considered significant difference.
Results :
UDVA of post-PLACS was significantly better compared to CDVA of pre-FLACS(n=31, t=3.553, P<0.0001); UDVA of post-FLACS was also much better than the PVA pre-FLACS(n=20, t=5.987, P <0.0001); PVA was comparable better than the CDVA pre-FLACS (n=20, t=3.553, P=0.002); Refractive error(SE2) post-FLACS was significantly reduced compared to those (SE1) pre-FLACS (n=9, t=-10.649, P<0.0001); Axis length was found a little bit shorten post-surgery compared to the pre-surgery but was not significant difference (n=24, t=1.544, P =0.136); Total astigmatism, cornea astigmatism, and average cornea curvature had neither significant difference (P>0.05). And none big complication happened of all cases.
Conclusions :
High myopia cataract is eligible to encourage to do the FLACS, which will improve the UCVA, reduce refractive error with safer and better outcomes without much eye axis and cornea changes.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2017 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2017.