Purpose :
To evaluate accuracy of the anterior segment optical coherence tomography (A-OCT) by measuring artificial corneal shape.
Methods :
We made four different types of artificial cornea by polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA).
1. Anterior curvature (R) 7.00mm, Posterior R 6.80mm, Central thickness(CT) 0.50mm
2. Anterior R 7.70, Posterior R 6.80, Central thickness(CT) 0.50
3. Anterior R 8.20, Posterior R 6.80mm, Central thickness(CT) 0.50
4. Anterior R 7.67(aspherical), Posterior Rs: 6.73, 90°, Rf: 6.88, 180°(posterior corneal astigmatism), Central thickness(CT) 0.50
5. Anterior Rs: 7.61, 90°Rf : 7.73, 180°, Posterior Rs: 6.64, 180°, Rf: 7.27, 90°(Anterior and posterior corneal astigmatism was perpendicularly)
6. Anterior Rs: 7.61, 90°Rf : 7.73, 180°, Posterior Rs: 6.64, 90°, Rf: 7.27, 180°(Anterior and posterior corneal astigmatism was parallelly) (unit is mm)
We measured artificial corneal shape in a fluid-filled model constructed to replicate the optical condition of a pseudophakic human eye 1) by A-OCT (CASIA, Tomay, Nagoya, Japan)
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Results :
We revealed the measured anterior and posterior corneal curvatures at 3mm diameter as follow:
1. Anterior R 7.02, Posterior R 6.80 2. Anterior R 7.72, Posterior R 6.82
3. Anterior R 8.25, Posterior R 6.84 4. Anterior R 7.70, Posterior Rs 6.73, Rf 6.89
5. Anterior Rs: 7.64, 90°, Rf : 7.76, 180°, Posterior Rs: 6.31, 4°, Rf: 7.22, 94°
6. Anterior Rs: 7.64, 90°, Rf : 7.78, 180°, Posterior Rs: 6.32, 93°, Rf: 7.20, 3°
Conclusions :
We could measure anterior and posterior artificial corneal curvature correctly by A-OCT. We would use this A-OCT to evaluate corneal shapes including posterior corneal astigmatism clinically.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2017 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2017.