Purpose :
To investigate the frequency of newly arrived patients with uveitis (including scleritis) in central Tokyo area between January 2013 and December 2015 and compare them with those from 2004-2012.
Methods :
We retrospectively surveyed the records of patients with uveitis who first visited the Uveitis Clinic of the University of Tokyo Hospital located in central Tokyo between January 2013 and December 2015.Clinical data obtained included age, gender, diagnosis, anatomic location of inflammation (anterior, intermediate, posterior, pan), laboratory test results of blood and aqueous, chest X-ray and fluorescein fundus angiography findings.
Results :
From January 2013 to December 2015, 798 new patients (384 men, 414women) with uveitis visited Tokyo University Hospital. Mean age was 56.5 ± 18.3 years (men 57.0 years, women 56.1 years, respectively). Definite diagnoses were made in 505 cases (63.1%). The most common diagnoses were herpetic iridocyclitis (7.0%, positive detection of herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster virus, and cytomegalovirus-DNA by polymerase chain reaction of aqueous humor was obtained in 0.6%, 2.1% and 4.3%, respectively) , sarcoidosis (5.8%), scleritis (5.0%), Behçet disease (4.1%), Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (3.9%), intraocular malignant lymphoma (3.9%), Posner-Schlossman syndrome (3.1%), bacterial endophthalmitis (2.9%), Fuchs heterochronic iridocyclitis(2.5%), Chronic iridocylitis in young girls(2.1%). The most frequent unclassified uveitis was sarcoidosis-suspected (21.1%). The frequency of anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis, posterior uveitis, and panuveitis are respectively 41.4%, 1.5%, 12.2%, 45.0%. When compared with our former findings of the year 2004-2012, the present series showed increasing trend of herpetic iridocyclitis (especially cytomegalovirus iridocyclitis), intraocular malignant lymphoma, bacterial endophthalmitis, Fuchs heterochronic iridocyclitis, Chronic iridocylitis in young girls. On the other hand, they showed decreasing trend of sarcoidosis, scleritis, Behçet disease, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. The frequency of anatomic localization of uveitis was not different among the studies conducted in 2004-2015.
Conclusions :
Increasing trend of herpetic iridocyclitis, intraocular malignant lymphoma, bacterial endophthalmitis might be connected with the recent progression of laboratory examinations such as polymerase chain reaction.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2017 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2017.