Purpose :
To describe the characteristics of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (DGM) observed in a group of patients with primary Sjögren's síndrome (1SS)
Methods :
This is a prospective, consecutive, and transversal case series of patients with SS confirmed with salivary gland biopsy, serology and/or SICCA Ocular Staining Score (SICCA OSS) according to 2012 classification criteria for SS.
The ophthalmic and dry eye evaluations included were Meibography, meibomian gland (MG) dropout, TBUT, Schirmer’s test without anesthesia and complete eyelid margin evaluation. Meibography were performed with Keratograph 5M® (Oculus). MG dropout was subjectively graded 0-3 (0: 0%, 1: <33%, 2: 33-66%, 3: >66% of MG dropout) by 2-blinded evaluators. The correlation between variables was analyzed using Spearman's correlation test.
Results :
We evaluated 73 eyes of 37 patients: Mean age ± standard deviation (SD) was 54.64 ± 12.74 years. Schirmer’s test:11.57 (10.65), TBUT: 4.78 (3.68), mean SICCA OSS 7.01 (3.36), Mean MG dropout: 1.48 (0.463). Mean (SD) number of expressible glands: 4.36 (2.07). Meibum quality [n(%)]: normal: 6 (8.2%), opaque: 5 (6.8%) granular: 52 (71.2%), tooth paste: 10 (13.7%). Marks Line [n(%)]: normal: 20 (27.4%), thickened: 38 (52.1%), anteriorized: 15 (20.5%). Eyelid border debris: no debris: 20 (27.4%), mild: 49 (67.1%), moderate: 4 (5.5%). Eyelid foam: 11 (15.1%), hyperemic lid margin: 67 (91.8%), lid margin telangiectasia: 54 (74%), Thickened lid margin: 71 (97.3%), irregular lid margin: 20 (27%) and lid margin scar: 0 (0.0%).
MG dropout was grade 1 in 32 (43.8%) eyes, grade 2 in 43 (50.6%), and grade 3 in 4 (5.5%). We found no significant correlation (p > 0.50) between MG dropout grade and the evaluated dry eye parameters.
Conclusions :
Mixed dry eye is present in patients with 1SS. All patients showed clinical signs of MGD, and mean of TBUT was low, it has a significantly mild correlation with Schiermer’s test.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2017 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2017.