Purpose :
To evaluate the structure-function relationship measured with Nidek RS 3000 advance spectral domain optical coherence tomograph and perimetric field defects in a Hispanic population
Methods :
Eighty three eyes with glaucoma(mean age: 63,4 years 24% male and 76% female). and one hundred sixty three glaucoma suspects (mean age: 51,59 years 37.8% male and 62.2% female) were included in a cross-sectional study. The relationship between retinal nerve fiber layer RNFL, optic disc and ganglion cell complex (GCC) reduction and visual field losses was evaluated and Pearson’s correlation coefficients (R)was calculated.
Results :
A significant but mild correlation (R=0.24 p < 0.002) was seen between functional and structural parameters in glaucoma suspects. After the classification of the patients by the Hodapp-Parrish-Anderson glaucoma grading scale, at initial glaucoma we establish significant correlation between VF with temporal RNFL(R=0314 p < 0.003) and optic disc(R=0.36 p < 0.012); about moderate glaucoma we found a higher correlation with temporal RNFL (R=0,734 p < 0.000) and inferior GCC thickness(R=0,506 p < 0.023). At advanced glaucoma there was a strongest correlation (R=0.711 p < 0.014) between superior RNFL and optic disc with corresponding topographic SAP locations.
Conclusions :
There are significant correlations between RNFL, optic disc and GCC loss and deficits on SAP that increase with the glaucoma severity. This is de first study in Hispanic population using fourier domain tomography, the data of which may improve our understanding of glaucomatous damage and aid the management of patients with glaucoma.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2017 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2017.