Purpose :
Previous studies show that the RETICS Glaucoma Diagnostic Calculator (RGDC) improves the detection of glaucoma by comparing the best isolated parameters from Cirrus-OCT in perimetric glaucoma.This study aims to evaluate the RGDC in pre-perimetric glaucoma (PPG).
Methods :
An analysis of 242 eyes with ocular hypertension was performed. All patients have a normal Visual Field (VF) in at least 5 consecutive VF tests. Moreover, all eyes underwent at least 5 OCT-scans. The diagnosis of PPG was performed using the Guided Progression Analysis (GPA) software from Cirrus-OCT. The eyes were classified in 2 groups: eyes with progression in the GPA (the PPG group), and eyes without progression (the normal group). The RGDC calculates the quantitative values and the qualitative classification (low, intermediate and high probability of glaucoma) in both groups. Non-parametric tests and Areas Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC) were calculated.
Results :
A total of 40 eyes (16.5%) were included inthe PPG group. The RGDC was higher in the PPG group (mean 24.3+27.1) than in the normal group (mean: 11.9+19.9) (p<0.001). The qualitative classification demonstrated a higher probability of glaucoma in the PPG group than in the normal group (p<0.04). The AUC was 0.70 (RGDC>19.5; Sensitivity: 52; Specificity: 84.8)(p= 0.003). The AUC when the last scan has an inferior quadrant outside of the normal limits as indicated by the colour red was 0.85 (RGDC>8.8; Sensitivity: 80; Specificity: 67.8)(p<0.0001). The RGDC values were higher in cases where more columns are progressed in the GPA (p=0.003). No relationship was found between RGDC and the number of scans (p=0.07).
Conclusions :
The values of RGDC is higher in the PPG group than in the normal group. The RGDC was higher when more columns in the GPA indicated progression. These results suggest that this calculator can facilitate the diagnosis of PPG in eyes with ocular hypertension.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2017 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2017.