Insufficient accommodative response is assumed to result in myopia progression. We have investigated if the accommodative lag in myopes is different between a single vision lens (SVL) and the progressive addition lens PAL 2, clinically trialled for its ability to reduce progression of myopia, and if there exist differences in accommodative lag between PAL 2 and other PALs with the same addition power (+1.50 D).
The influence of spherical SVL and four different designs of PALs that differ in the near zone width (PAL 1) or that have different signs and magnitude of horizontal gradients of mean power adjacent to their near vision zones (PAL 3 and PAL 4) on the accommodative response was investigated for different near viewing distances (40, 33, and 25 cm) in 31 subjects, aged 18 to 25 years.
The SVL correction resulted in insufficient accommodative response for the near object viewing distances tested. PAL 2 did significantly reduce accommodative lag for all near object distances tested. The PAL design with a more negative horizontal mean power gradient (PAL 4) provided a lower lag of accommodation when compared with PAL 2 at the shortest object distance of 25 cm (P = 0.03) and was able to reduce the lag of accommodation to a level below the depth of focus for the higher near working distances tested.
Designs of PAL with more negative horizontal mean power gradients are the most effective in lowering the lag of accommodation in myopes. This could make them good test candidates for myopia control applications.
With its increasing prevalence, myopia is one of the major refractive errors that can affect eye health. Especially in East Asian countries, reports find prevalences reaching and exceeding 80% to 90%.
It was observed that myopic children show an insufficient accommodation (lag of accommodation [LA]), which would result in a reduced power of the eye during reading.
2 Further research also found that the amount of the LA depends on the reading distance, the device used to measure accommodation, the time of the onset of myopia (early onset [EOM] or late onset [LOM]), and many more (for review, see
Ref. 3). Since it is known from animal research that a hyperopic defocus (when the image is behind the retina) leads to the development of myopia,
4 the LA might be a risk factor for the development and/or progression of myopia.
5–7 On the other hand, there are studies that do not support this theory for the onset
8 or progression of myopia.
9–11 There are also investigations that have found the LA to be present in emmetropes but not in myopes
12 or that argued that the LA does not necessarily reflect a reliable loss of image quality on the retina due to the failure to include the effects of higher order aberrations or an increased depth of focus due to pupil constriction during accommodation.
Assuming that the LA does play a role in stimulating excessive elongation of the eyeball resulting in progressing myopia, it is of interest to find the means of reducing the LA in myopes. It has been known that accommodative responses (ARs) can be elicited by stimuli imaged not just on the fovea but also on the peripheral retina (for review see
Ref. 14). This opens up a possibility of modulating ARs with aspherized lens designs that change the peripheral focal properties of the visual field. It has already been shown to be possible with bifocal contact lenses
15 and contact lenses with varying amounts of spherical aberration
16 worn by young myopic subjects. Recently this topic was also investigated with multifocal contact lenses.
17 In this study, we are investigating the feasibility of this approach with progressive spectacle lenses, which offer the possibility of aspherizing the area adjacent to the near vision zone without affecting the wearer's distance vision quality.
Progressive addition spectacle lenses (PAL) have been investigated in order to assess their influence on the progression of myopia. Most studies using progressive addition lens (PAL) spectacles
10,18–22 found a reduction in myopia progression due to the treatment with PALs of around 30% in the first year when compared to wearers of single vision lenses, with the effect often waning or saturating in the following years. One study
23 did not find any statistically significant effect of a +1.50 D addition PAL on the progression of myopia even in the first year, while another testing the same lens a few years later
24 recorded a 21% retardation of myopia progression (adjusted for confounding variables) after 2 years with no evidence of effect saturation after 12 months. In earlier days, standard progressive lenses with long corridor lengths developed for presbyopes have been used.
18,19 Later on, new PAL designs adapted for juvenile use with shorter corridors, making it easier for children to access the addition power, have been developed and tested.
21–24 Hasebe et al.
22 investigated the influence of the addition power and the positive aspherization of the distance zone of the PAL on their efficacy to provide retardation of myopia progression. The positive aspherization of the distance zone did not retard myopia and a minimum of +1.50 D addition was required to get an initial efficacy of 30% in the first year.
The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of the design of a PAL on the reduction of the LA by using different widths of the near zone and varying the horizontal power gradients in the immediate vicinity of the near zone of a lens. Assuming the accommodative stimulus is spatially averaged in some way, the expectation was to have greater ARs when the periphery has negative power gradients and lesser responses when those gradients are positive, as the more negative is the power in the periphery, the more stimulus for accommodation one would expect.
Thirty-one participants aged 18 to 25 years with a mean spherical equivalent refractive error of the dominant eye of −2.8 ± 1.5 D (range, −5.6 to −0.8 D) participated in the study. Inclusion criteria for participation were as follows: central refractive errors ≥ −6 D sphere, ≥ −1.5 D of cylinder, and best-corrected visual acuity of 0.0 logMAR or better. Subjects with known ocular diseases were not allowed to participate. Permission was obtained from the Ethics Commission of the Medical Faculty of the University of Tuebingen. The research followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and, in addition, informed consent was obtained from all subjects after explanation of the nature and possible consequences of the study.
Two main hypotheses were formulated before the trial: (1) Narrower near zones lead to lower lags of accommodation, and (2) the high negative horizontal power gradients adjacent to the near zone will provide the maximum reduction of accommodative lag.
Statistical analyses were performed in R (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing). Exploratory data analysis had revealed significant deviations from the normal distribution, as well as the presence of outliers in a range of data sets. Since each subject has been measured with five different lenses at four target object distances, these data sets cannot be regarded as independent. Violation of data independence makes the use of ANOVA analysis inappropriate. Therefore, we applied a robust or nonparametric hypothesis testing method for paired data. A 1-tailed Mann-Whitney U test with an appropriately formulated alternative hypothesis was employed.
In order to test if the benchmark PAL (PAL 2) reduces the LA during near work when compared to the SVL, a statistical analysis was run to compare the LA. The null hypothesis was that the mean LA for each of the near object distances tested with PAL 2 was the same as that with the SVL. When making these analyses, it was ensured that the alternative hypothesis matched the assumptions. In this case, the alternative hypothesis was that the SVL showed a greater LA than the PAL 2. To test this, a “greater-than” alternative hypothesis [i.e., LA(SVL) > LA(PAL 2)] was needed instead of a “two-sided” alternative hypothesis. Using the Mann-Whitney U test, it was found that SVL causes greater LA than PAL 2 at all object distances (P < 0.001 in all cases).
The ray tracing of test designs for the static eye viewing near targets at the studied range of object distances has revealed that the current study did not succeed in separating the test lens designs into pairs that differ in the width of the near zone only. Lens design PAL 1 has not only a narrower near zone than PAL 2 but also has higher negative horizontal mean power gradients than PAL 2, especially for the 25-cm object distance. Since PAL 1 did not show a statistically significantly different LA from PAL 2 at any object distance, despite some differences in power gradients on top of the near zone width differences, it is most likely that hypothesis #1 is incorrect—narrower near zones in PALs are unlikely to lead to lower LA.
Our results suggest that accommodation responses, when looking at near objects through the center of the near zone of PALs, depend not just on the addition power of the lens but also on the distribution of the peripheral power in the lower viewing zone of the lens, and that the designs with the more negative horizontal mean power gradient lead to a lower LA, especially compared to those with the positive horizontal mean power gradient (the LA with PAL 4 was significantly [P < 0.005] smaller for all three object distances when compared to PAL 3). The conventional progressive lens (PAL 2) reduced the LA by approximately 40% to 75% when compared to the SVL, depending on the object distance. PAL 4 appears to further reduce the LA 30% more than conventional PAL.