Determine which posterior uveal melanoma (PUM) size classification with three categories has the best prognostic discrimination.
Single-institution study of 424 consecutive patients with PUM. The tumor's largest basal diameter (LBD), smallest basal diameter (SBD), and thickness (TH) were estimated by fundus mapping and ultrasonography. Tumors were assigned to “small,” “medium,” or “large” size categories defined by 11 different classifications (Linear LBD, Rectangular LBD × TH, Cubic LBD × SBD × TH, Warren Original, Warren Modified, Augsburger, COMS Original, COMS Revised, TNM 2002, and modified TNM 2010 classification [a,b]). Prognostic significance of classifications was evaluated by Kaplan-Meier event curves with computation of log rank test for trend statistic.
In six classification systems (Warren Original, Warren Modified, COMS Revised, TNM 2002, TNM 2010a, TNM 2010b) >50% of tumors fell within one subgroup. In the Warren Original classification <5% of tumors fell within one subgroup. Separation of Kaplan-Meier curves among three size categories was judged “excellent” in four classifications (Linear LBD, Cubic Volume, TNM 2010a, and TNM 2010b) and “very poor” in the Warren Original. Linear LBD classification was associated with highest log rank statistic value. TNM 2010a, TNM 2010b, TNM 2002, Augsburger, and Cubic Volume classifications were also determined to be quite good.
Linear LBD classification was the best three-size category discriminator among low-, intermediate-, and high-risk subgroups. Considering our findings, it seems possible that the arduous work required to apply complex classifications, especially for three-category systems, for PUM may not be justified in routine clinical practice.
Tumor size classification of malignant neoplasms is used clinically as a therapeutic and prognostic tool.
1–3 Size classification determines a patient's eligibility for a specific form of treatment or clinical trial. It can also be used to assign patients to prognostic subgroups, thus allowing physicians to engage in reasonably accurate discussions with patients about the actuarial probability of developing metastasis impacting their survival.
Numerous size-based classification systems have been developed for posterior uveal melanoma (PUM). Some classifications use largest basal diameter (LBD) of the tumor alone,
4–7 many take into account both LBD and tumor thickness (TH),
8–19 and at least one takes into account smallest basal diameter (SBD) as well as LBD and TH.
This study was designed to evaluate multiple reported and some derived tumor size classifications of PUM that separate tumors into small, medium, and large categories and determine which three-size category classification provides the best prediction of low, intermediate, and high risk for metastasis.
The ease versus difficulty of applying a size classification to a group of tumors was rated from easiest (0 points) to most difficult (2 points) based on whether mathematical manipulation of the raw data and/or reference to a graph was required. If mathematical manipulation of raw data was not required, 0 points were given. If mathematical manipulation (e.g., multiplication of LBD × TH) was required, then 1 point was given. If reference to a graph of intergroup boundary lines was not required, 0 points were given. If reference to category boundary lines was required to determine the size category, then 1 point was given.
Conventional descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation of mean, minimum, maximum) were computed for all the evaluated continuous numerical variables (LBD, SBD, TH, rectangular area [LBD × TH] of tumor, cubic volume [LBD × SBD × TH] of tumor, age of patient) and frequency distributions for all study variables, including categorical variables.
The principal outcome evaluated was development of metastasis during follow-up. No patient had evidence of metastasis at the time of initial treatment. Data analysis extended to December 31, 2015.
Kaplan-Meier event rate curves for metastasis according to tumor size category assigned by each size classifications were computed and plotted. The effectiveness of each classification for assigning patients to discreet ordered low-, medium-, and high-risk categories for metastasis was assessed by (1) inspection of the plotted event rate curves to determine how clearly separated the three curves were and whether the curves were ordered as expected (i.e., showing lowest risk for the cases categorized as small, highest risk for the cases categorized as large, and intermediate for the cases categorized as medium), and (2) computing a log rank test of trend statistic for the significance of the separation of the curves plotted for each classification. The null hypothesis was that the curves were substantially different from one another and ordered as expected. The greater the separation of the ordered event rate curves, the higher the value of the computed test statistic.
The “average tumor” in our study (i.e., hypothetical tumor having the mean value of LBD, SBD, and TH of all tumors in this series [12.2 × 10.5 × 5.8 mm]) was categorized as “small” by one classification (TNM 2010a), “medium” by eight classifications (Linear LBD, Rectangular Area, Cubic Volume, Augsburger, COMS Original, COMS Revised, TNM 2002, and TNM 2010b), and “large” by two classifications (Warren Original, Warren Modified).
The Size Category (Small, Medium, or Large) to Which the Classification Assigns an “Average Tumor”
The Proportion of Tumors Assigned to Small, Medium, and Large Categories by the Classification
The Ordered Separation Between Event Rate Curves of the Patients Assigned to the Small, Medium, and Large Categories by the Classification
A linear boundary line classification separating tumors based on a single dimension (e.g., Linear LBD classification) is clearly easiest to apply. Such a classification does not necessitate reference to a graph or mathematical manipulation of the original data. Nonoverlapping “single-step” boundary line classifications (e.g., Warren Original, Warren Modified, Augsburger, TNM 2002) that subdivide tumors on the basis of both LBD and TH with discrete nonoverlapping small-medium and medium-large boundary lines are more difficult to apply given the need to reference a graph. Nonoverlapping “multiple-step” classifications (e.g., TNM 2010a and TNM 2010b) and classifications that have overlapping boundary lines (e.g., COMS Original and COMS Revised) that subdivide tumors on the basis of both LBD and TH are also more difficult to apply given the need for graph reference. These classifications require plotting of each tumor individually on predetermined category boundary lines. Curvilinear boundary line classifications separating tumors based on the product of two tumor dimensions (rectangular area classification, LBD × TH) or three tumor dimensions (cubic volume classification, LBD × SBD × TH) are most difficult to apply given the required mathematical manipulation followed by reference to a graph. In these cases, the original data need to be computed before these values can be used to separate the cases. In general, an easy-to-apply classification that also provides good proportional separation of the cases and good prognostic discrimination of the event curves for those subgroups is more effective in clinical situations.
The Prognostic Value of the Classification With Regard to the Event Rates of Interest
Supported in part by an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc., New York, NY, USA, to the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; the Augsburger Ocular Oncology Fund of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; the Dr. E. Vernon and Eloise C. Smith Chair of Ophthalmology Fund of the University of Cincinnati; and the Dr. Mary Knight Asbury Chair of Ophthalmic Pathology and Ocular Oncology Fund of the University of Cincinnati.
Disclosure: C.C. Skinner, None; J.J. Augsburger, None; B.D. Augsburger, None; Z.M. Correa, Castle Biosciences, LLC (C, R)