In this study, we compared the retinal vasculature between patients with different stages of OSAS. The analysis revealed that the retinal vessel densities in the parafoveal and peripapillary areas decreased with greater severity of OSAS. In addition, retinal vessel density was significantly correlated with AHI and SpO2, and the relative decrease in vessel density seemed to be more prominent in the peripapillary area.
OCT angiography was recently reported to be an effective, reliable, and noninvasive tool for monitoring retinal vessels.
17 Theoretically, the reduction in vessel density could be due to either a loss of retinal capillaries or vasoconstriction. We used OCT angiography to study the retinal vessels in OSAS patients in our study. We found that the vessel densities in the peripapillary and parafoveal areas decreased with increasing severity of OSAS. Furthermore, the retinal vessel densities were significantly correlated with AHI. These findings are consistent with those of prior studies showing that the impairments of the brain vascular system were correlated with the severity of OSAS.
22,23 Nasr et al.
22 reported that impaired cerebral autoregulation is correlated with the severity of OSAS, and Baril et al.
23 reported that reduced regional cerebral blood flow is associated with more frequent hypopnea, snoring, hypoxemia, and sleepiness.
OSAS is characterized by intermittent upper airway obstruction during sleep with concurrent hypoxia and hypercapnic acidosis, and is an important risk factor for vascular diseases. Coloma et al.
24 previously reported a reduction in mean cerebral blood flow velocity in OSAS patients compared with control subjects, and that the mean flow velocity was positively correlated with the mean nocturnal O
2 saturation (
r = .232,
P = 0.043). We also found a positive correlation between vessel density and SpO
2. It was proposed that, in OSAS, intermittent hypoxemia in combination with rapid fluctuations in blood flow and variations in blood pressure can lead to oxidative stress, inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and atherosclerosis.
25–27 Endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis can directly reduce the diameter of blood vessels, and affect vasoreactivity, which might result in hypoperfusion, even during wakefulness.
26,28 Therefore, severe hypoxemia might result in prominent impairments of the retinal vascular system.
Although the retinal vessel density was decreased in OSAS, the RNFL and macular thicknesses were similar in all three groups. These findings suggest that, in OSAS, vascular changes might occur before changes in RNFL thickness. It was reported that OSAS patients are at increased risk of open-angle glaucoma
29–31 and have a thinner RNFL.
15,31 Mechanical and vascular theories have been proposed to explain these changes.
29,32 Our results seem to support the vascular theory.
29 Although Shiba et al.
15 reported that the RNFL thickness was correlated with the severity of OSAS, we did not find a correlation between RNFL thickness and OSAS severity in our study. The reason for these different results are not fully clear, but all our patients were initially diagnosed with OSAS, and were relatively younger than those in the study by Shiba et al.
15 (mean age: 43 vs. 61 years). Therefore, patients included in our study possibly had a shorter duration of OSAS. This might explain the difference, and might also support the hypothesis that the retinal vessel density decreases before the reduction in RNFL thickness in OSAS. Accordingly, monitoring the retinal vasculature by OCT angiography could be helpful for detecting early retinal changes, and might enable early interventions. This concept might also apply to other ocular disorders, such as open-angle glaucoma, in which vascular factors play important pathologic roles.
Interestingly, although the vessel densities in the parafoveal and peripapillary areas were negatively correlated with AHI, the extent of the decrease seemed to be greater in the peripapillary area because each 10-unit decrease in AHI was associated with a 0.43% decrease in vessel density in the parafoveal area and 0.63% in the peripapillary area. Additionally, the moderate group had lower vessel density in the peripapillary area compared with the normal-to-mild group, but vessel density in the parafoveal area was similar in both groups. These findings suggest that the vascular impairment in moderate OSAS is more prominent in the peripapillary area. Lin et al.
8 previously reported that the RNFL was significantly thinner in patients with severe OSAS than in patients with mild OSAS, but the macular thickness was similar in both groups. This may also support our findings. Although it is unclear why the vascular impairment differs between the peripapillary and macular area, it might be explained as follows. The vessels in the peripapillary area originate from two systems, the central retinal artery and the short posterior ciliary arteries, whereas the vessels in the macula originate from the central retinal artery.
33 It was reported that, in glaucoma, the posterior ciliary arteries are most susceptible to the deleterious effects of high IOP, whereas the central retinal artery is more resistant to these effects.
34 In addition, Hosking et al.
35 found an abnormal response to hypercapnia in the short posterior ciliary arteries, but not in the central retinal artery, in glaucoma. These findings suggest that the ciliary vascular system might experience more severe damage than the retinal vascular system in glaucoma, supporting our finding that the reduction in vessel density was more pronounced in the peripapillary area. However, the macular area contains only capillaries or small vessels, whereas the peripapillary area contains the four principal intraretinal arteries and veins. Kornfield and Newman
36 found differences in the flicker-evoked responses between the first- or second-order arterioles and capillaries. Therefore, the different origins and sizes of the vessels between the parafoveal and peripapillary areas might contribute to the prominent reduction in vessel density in OSAS patients.
Our study was limited by the number of subjects and its cross-sectional design. As OCT angiography was unable to distinguish the reduction of vascular diameter from the loss/occlusion of the vessels, the pathologic change behind the reduction of vessel density found this time still needs to be further explored. As OCT angiography was unable to distinguish between the reduction in vascular diameter and loss/occlusion of the vessels, the pathological reason for the reduction in vessel density found in the present study requires further investigation. The patients enrolled in our study did not have any ocular disorders. But, because they were newly diagnosed with OSAS and because OSAS is a chronic disease, future studies with a longer follow-up might provide more insight into the clinical relevance of our current findings. Future studies with a larger number of subjects and follow-up assessments might further improve our knowledge of the ocular effects of OSAS and the correlation between retinal vessel changes and other findings, such as retinal dysfunction, in OSAS patients.
In conclusion, we found that the vessel densities in the peripapillary and parafoveal areas decreased with greater severity of OSAS, and the decrease in vessel density was more prominent in the peripapillary area.