Either YB or RG thresholds, or both, were found to be abnormal in every eye with AMD, when comparison was made with the upper normal limits for the corresponding age. Color vision depends on the normal functioning of cone photoreceptors and the normal processing of these signals in the retina. Early changes in the retina that are not detected and labeled as structural changes when using clinical fundus imaging techniques may cause loss of chromatic sensitivity, even when high-contrast visual acuity is spared. The latter is therefore a poor indicator of the earliest changes in the retina that must precede the loss of color vision. In addition, the foveal cone mosaic and the corresponding visual acuity can remain within normal limits even when the cone density decreases well below normal values at or near the fovea.
Rod loss precedes cone loss in 75% of early- and intermediate-AMD eyes
42 and deficits in rod-mediated functions occur in AMD and RPD.
33 In spite of these observations, changes in cone-mediated visual functions such as CV and rapid flicker sensitivity have been reported in early AMD. Cones may not therefore function normally or cone signals may not be processed efficiently in AMD despite unaltered foveal cone numbers, as evident in histopathologic studies.
The findings from this study demonstrated that YB loss is on average greater than RG loss. There was also a greater number of patients with only YB thresholds above upper normal limits. This observation is consistent with reports by Verriest
43 and others who have found YB loss to be the most commonly acquired CV deficiency in macular pathology. It has been proposed that the damage to the smaller number of S cones and their pathways is more apparent in diseases of the retina.
44 Changes in the metabolic environment of the RPE–photoreceptor complex also appear to affect S more than L and M cones.
45 Eisner and her colleagues
46,47 have demonstrated in more than one study that patients who exhibit lower S-cone sensitivities are associated with high risk of developing wet AMD.
Our findings also showed that AMD eyes with RPD exhibited the greatest loss of both RG and YB chromatic sensitivity. The presence of RPD is a recognized risk factor in progression to GA or CNV in AMD subjects.
48 Significant histologic changes in eyes with RPD have been reported, and Spaide
49 has found the photoreceptor length reduced to 74.4% and choroidal thickness reduced to 81.4% of its initial value. Subretinal drusenoid deposits, a histologic correlate of RPD, have been found to be localized preferentially around the perifovea affecting the rods, which are abundant at this eccentricity. Cones are also not spared completely either, and high-resolution imaging with large pupils and correction of higher-order aberrations using adaptive optics also show a dramatic reduction in cone density over the RPD lesions, possibly due to change in their orientation, alteration in their cellular architecture, or even absence of cones themselves.
50 These observations suggest that eyes with RPD undergo less apparent structural changes that precede the presence of CNV or GA.
One possible hypothesis to account for the specific loss of color vision is choroidal hypoxia,
51 which in turn may be a cause or consequence of RPD. The photoreceptors are highly active metabolically, and choroidal hypoxia will undoubtedly compromise the normal functioning of photoreceptors. This, in turn, can cause a uniform loss of chromatic sensitivity, particularly when rods consume more oxygen under mesopic, low-light-level conditions of ambient lighting.
18 In addition to changes in the normal functioning of cone photoreceptors with little or no effect on visual acuity, it is highly likely that choroidal hypoxia also causes changes in the inner retina that may cause specific loss of chromatic sensitivity.
Most eyes in this study were graded as intermediate AMD, which include eyes with drusen size >125 μm ± pigmentary change. The CAD thresholds in this group spread across the severity scale with large intersubject variation. This large variability does suggest the involvement of other factors not visualized on clinical grading that occur in aging/AMD such as axonal loss of the distal segment of the optic nerve, decreased choroidal blood flow, increase in the oxidative stress, incomplete degradation of cells, and material accumulating between the RPE and Bruch's membrane. Together, these processes are likely to slow the transfer of fluids and essential nutrients across Bruch's membrane. The microenvironment changes in the retinal and the choroidal space in AMD may not be detectable in conventional imaging. Although many aspects of functional vision remain relatively normal, the loss of both RG and YB color vision can be surprisingly severe in AMD. Although this conclusion is fully justified by our data, the correlation with the clinical classification criteria of normal, early, intermediate, and late is less well demonstrated. This is largely due to the intersubject variability and the relatively small number of patients per group. The study was limited in the number of eyes in early-AMD and late-AMD groups and, as a result, useful comparisons of the severity of CV loss between the AMD groups could not be made.