At presentation, the frequency of retinal deformations was highest for PPF, followed by PPW, then RF, then macular edema, then creases (
Figs. 1,
2). No CF were seen. Vitreous attached to the optic disc was identified commonly but no eyes had vitreal traction of the optic disc. PPF was located in the outer retina in 38 eyes (63%) and in the middle/inner retina in 12 (20%, six of which also were in the outer retina). Some type of fold or crease or PPF was found in 49 eyes (82%). All but one eye with macular edema had RF. The average PPW width, 137 ± 44 μm (95% confidence interval [CI], 117–160). The RF had concentric orientation only. The VA and MD were similar for NAION eyes with or without PPF or macular edema. The RNFL thickness was increased in eyes with PPF (246 ± 72 vs. 156 ± 31 μm,
P = 0.005), PPW (265 ± 68 vs. 173 ± 48 μm,
P = 0.02), RF (258 ± 77 vs. 200 ± 64 μm,
P = 0.025), but not with macular edema (274 ± 56 vs. 213 ± 78 μm,
P = 0.13) or creases (234 ± 29 vs. 228 ± 12 μm,
P = 0.08). The number of all RF correlated (
r = 0.65,
P = 0.01) with the RNFL thickness at presentation. The χ
2 values were significant for PPF and PPW (5.40,
P = 0.017; odds ratio [OR], 4.25) and PPF and RF (9.50,
P = 0.002; OR, 15.00) but not for PPF and creases (
P = 0.11) or PPF and macular edema (
P = 0.11).