A total of 27 eyes with temporal hemianopia and 43 control eyes were studied. The mean age ± SD was 52.5 ± 8.6 years for BA patients, and 50.1 ± 6.0 years for healthy subjetcs (P = 0.28; Student's t-test). All patients had pituitary adenoma. On SAP 24-2, 10 eyes had complete temporal hemianopia, 15 had partial temporal VF defects greater than one VF quadrant, and 2 had a defect of less than one quadrant. The mean SAP 24-2 MD, TMD, and NMD ± SD were −7.22 ± 4.90, −15.09 ± 2.08, and −1.04 ± 0.18, respectively. The ST mean defect, SN mean defect, IT mean defect and IN mean defect in the different quadrants were −16.60 ± 1.98, −0.93 ± 0.19, −13.57 ± 2.25, and −1.16 ± 0.21, respectively. A comparison between VF parameters of BA eyes and controls revealed a significant difference in all parameters (P < 0.01). Fundoscopic examinationn revealed signs of BA of the optic disc in all 27 eyes with temporal VF defect.
Table 1 shows 24-2 mfVEP median, first quartile, and third quartile amplitudes in eyes with BA and controls, both as global mfVEP response (average of 48 responses) and as central mfVEP response (average of 24 responses). In all temporal mfVEP parameters (both global and central hemifields as well as in temporal quadrants), the mean P1 and N2 amplitude was significantly smaller in BA patients than in normals. No significant difference was observed between the two groups regarding mfVEP recordings in the nasal parameters. The ROC curve analysis indicated that the three best-performing mfVEP amplitude parameters were the TH/NH N2 amplitude ratio (AROC = 0.92), the cTH/cNH N2 amplitude ratio (AROC = 0.92), and the TH/NH P1 amplitude ratio (AROC = 0.89).
Peak time was also calculated for patients and controls. In eyes with BA, the average peak time (ms) ± SD for P1 in the average 24 nasal (NH) and temporal subsets (TH) and the 12 average responses of the ST, IT, SN, and IN subsets were 100.83 ± 1.24, 103.02 ± 1.12, 104.25 ± 1.27, 101.79 ± 1.21, 101.51 ± 1.36, and 100.16 ± 1.46, respectively. The corresponding values for control eyes were 100.78 ± 1.00, 100.71 ± 0.99, 102.22 ± 1.21, 99.20 ± 0.91, 101.30 ± 1.27, and 100.26 ± 0.90. No significant difference was found between the two groups. Average peak time measurements (ms) ± SD for N2 in the average 24 nasal and temporal subsets and the 12 average responses in the ST, IT, SN, and IN subsets in BA eyes were 151.03 ± 1.55, 154.87 ± 1.35, 155.77 ± 1.22, 153.97 ± 1.85, 151.11 ± 1.65, and 150.96 ± 1.71, respectively. The corresponding values for controls were 151.41 ± 1.17, 150.87 ± 1.24, 152.27 ± 1.38, 149.46 ± 1.24, 151.60 ± 1.17, and 151.23 ± 1.35. No significant difference was found in N2 peak time values between control eyes and eyes of patients with BA in any comparison. Nor were any significant differences observed between patients and controls when central mfVEP responses in quadrants and hemifields were analyzed.
Table 2 shows the results of the comparison between OCT RNFL and macular thickness measurements in BA and normal eyes. All measurements were significantly smaller in BA eyes than in normals. The ROC curve analysis indicated that the best-performing OCT parameter was the nasal/temporal macular ratio for the average macular hemifield thickness measurements (AROC = 1.0) followed by the macular SN quadrant (AROC = 0.98) and average nasal macular thickness (AROC = 0.98).
A comparison between the AROCs with mfVEP and OCT parameters showed no significant difference (P > 0.01) between the three largest AROCs of the two devices except for the comparison between the nasal/temporal macular thickness ratio and the TH/NH P1 amplitude ratio (P = 0.008).
Tables 1 and
2 also show the proportion of eyes labeled as abnormal eyes based on the normative average estimated using the 10th percentile of normal on mfVEP and OCT. Under these conditions, the best discrimination of abnormality on mfVEP was the temporal/nasal ratio of 24 N2 (21/27) and P1 (18/27) amplitude responses, the temporal/nasal ratio of 12 central N2 (20/27) and P1 (18/27) amplitude responses, the average of 12 N2 amplitudes in the IT quadrant (17/27), the average of six N2 amplitudes in the cIT quadrant (17/27) and the average of six P1 amplitudes in the cIT quadrant (17/27). On OCT, nasal/temporal macular thickness measurements ratio (27/27), average macular thickness in the SN quadrant (26/27), the IN quadrant (24/27), and the nasal average (24/27) provided the best discrimination of abnormality. No significant difference was observed between the above-mentioned best-performing mfVEP and OCT parameters (
P > 0.05, McNemar's test). Because VF defect was an inclusion criterion in the study, the ability of mfVEP and OCT to detect it was not evaluated.
Table 3 shows the associations between global mfVEP amplitude measurements and VF loss based on the 50 points of the subjective VF (in dB). Statistically significant correlations were found for most temporal VF and mfVEP parameters, especially between temporal hemianopic or quadrantic mfVEP N2 amplitude measurements and temporal VF deviations from normal (range, 0.42–0.60). The most significant correlation was found between IT N2 amplitude and the VF deviation from normal in the IT quadrant (ρ = 0.60;
P < 0.001), followed by the correlation between N2 amplitude in the TH, and VF deviation from normal in the IT quadrant (ρ = 0.59;
P < 0.001), or VF TMD (ρ = 0.58;
P < 0.001) (
Table 3;
Fig. 4).
Table 4 shows the correlations between peripapillary RNFL thickness measurements and mfVEP P1 and N2 responses based on the 48 points and the correlation between quadrantic or hemianopic macular thickness and mfVEP amplitude measurements based on the 24 central mfVEP responses. Statistically significant correlations were found for most average temporal quadrantic and hemifield N2 amplitudes on mfVEP and temporal RNFL thickness (range, 0.32–0.54) and average nasal macular thickness parameters (range, 0.31–0.54). Highly significant correlations were found between TH/NH or cTH/cNH P1 and N2 amplitude responses and peripapillary RNFL thickness measurements (range, 0.37–0.58) or the nasal macular thickness parameters or the nasal/temporal thickness ratio (range, 0.50–0.58). When mfVEP and OCT parameters were compared, the most significant correlations were found between the TH/NH amplitude N2 wave (ρ = 0.58;
P < 0.001), average central temporal N2 amplitude on mfVEP and SN macular thickness (ρ = 0.46;
P < 0.001), followed by the correlation between central ST quadrant or temporal hemifield N2 amplitude and average nasal macular thickness (ρ = 0.45 for both;
P < 0.001) (
Table 4;
Fig. 4).