The adaptive optics OCT system consisted of two subsystems: a spectral-domain (SD)-OCT subsystem and an AO subsystem based upon a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor (SHWS) and voice-coil based deformable mirror (DM).
The spectral-domain OCT subsystem consisted of a light source (λ = 783 nm, Δλ = 47 nm; Broadlighter; Superlum, Inc., County Cork, Ireland; only one superluminescent diode of three was used), and a Michaelson interferometer consisting of a 80/20 fiber beam splitter that sent 80% and 20% of the source's output, respectively, to the reference and sample arms. The sample arm contained X- and Y-direction galvanometers for scanning the beam over the retina, and the components of the AO system. The reference channel consisted of a collimating lens, five planar mirrors to fold the beam into a compact footprint, a water vial designed to match chromatic dispersion induced by the eye, and a 50-mm lens focusing the beam onto a planar reference mirror. Reflected light from the two interferometer arms was combined again in the fiber coupler and sent to the spectrometer, which consisted of a fiber collimator, transmissive holographic diffraction grating, F-theta lens, and a complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) line scan detector (4096 pixels × 2 lines [736 × 2 used], with 12 bits per pixel, Sprint spL4096-140km; Basler AG, Ahrensburg, Germany). The optical coherence tomography system acquired 250,000 lines/sec. The theoretical axial resolution was 5.7 μm in air and 4.2 μm in the eye (
n = 1.38). Axial sampling of the OCT was measured to be 3.46 μm/pixel using a calibration procedure described previously.
4 The optical coherence tomography design employed here is slightly different from that used earlier,
4 with the main goal being increased speed and reduced eye movement artifacts.
The adaptive optics subsystem incorporated a SHWS consisting of a lenslet array (diameter 10 mm; lenslet diameter 500 μm; f = 30 mm; Northrop Grumman Corp., Arlington, VA, USA) and an sCMOS camera (2048 × 2048 pixel, Ace acA2040-180km; Basler AG), and a high-speed, high-stroke DM (DM-97-15; ALPAO SAS, Montbonnot-Saint-Martin, France). The adaptive optics system operated at 20 Hz using the full 4 megapixel spots image. The pupil diameter was 6.75 mm, 13.5 mm, and 10 mm at the eye, DM, and SHWS, respectively. Diffraction-limited imaging (wavefront RMS < λ/14, according to the Maréchal criterion) was achieved for all subjects, corresponding to a theoretical lateral resolution of 2.5 μm in the retina (3.4 μm in the air, validated using a 1951 United States Air Force resolution test chart).
Custom software controlled the AO
4 and OCT
15 subsystems, written in C++ and Python/Cython/Numpy, respectively. The sample channel of the system was designed to correct for beam distortions and astigmatism that accumulate as the imaging light is relayed by the multiple off-axis spherical mirrors in the sample channel. The out-of-plane design of this system is described in detail elsewhere.