The NIR-AF signal emanates primarily from RPE melanin although there also is a minor contribution from choroidal melanocytes.
29,41–43 SW-AF, on the other hand, is emitted by the fluorescent bisretinoids of RPE lipofuscin that originate in photoreceptor cells and accumulate in RPE after phagocytic transfer.
44 We found that NIR-AF imaging enabled detection of RPD in central areas of the macula where macular pigment obscures visibility in SW-AF images. NIR-AF imaging for the detection of RPD was, in some cases, superior to SW-AF and IR-R because of the increased contrast afforded by NIR-AF.
45 A limitation of our study was that, although the SW-AF and SD-OCT findings were consistent with earlier work, not all patients were tested at the same time interval after disease onset and the patients were not followed longitudinally.
We observed that in NIR-AF and SW-AF images, RPD are relatively hypoautofluorescent, the darkened foci in SW-AF images colocalizing with similarly darkened foci in NIR-AF images (
Figs. 1,
2). The reduced NIR-AF at positions of RPD is unlikely to be due to absorption by tissue anterior to the RPD, since the latter is negligible at wavelengths of 600 to 1300 nm.
46 We also have given consideration to the hyperreflectivity of the RPD lesion (as visualized in the photoreceptor-attributable SD-OCT bands) and whether the scattering could reduce NIR light transmission, and thereby account for the reduction of NIR-AF and IR-R (
2) originating in the RPE monolayer. However, the light that is reflected by the RPD is only a minor portion of NIR light that is delivered for OCT imaging. Moreover, reduced transmission into the choroid (viewed as a darkened column extending posterior to RPE/Bruch's membrane) is not observed in association with RPD and in some cases transmission is increased (
Fig. 3). Additionally, if the darkened RPD foci in NIR-AF and IR-R fundus images were caused by scattering and reduced transmission through the lesion visible in photoreceptor cell attributable SD-OCT bands, one might expect the extent of darkening to vary with the stage of the RPD lesion (for instance, shallow corrugations versus conical lesions) in SD-OCT scans, but this is not observed. Fundus flecks in recessive Stargardt disease also present as hyperreflective lesions in photoreceptor-attributable OCT layers, and have an appearance that is strikingly similar to RPD.
47 Yet, the hyperreflectivity visible by SD-OCT imaging does not appear to determine lesion presentation in NIR-AF images. Specifically, flecks correspond to foci of absent NIR-AF in fundus images
47 while RPD in SD-OCT scans colocalize with NIR-AF that is reduced but not absent. For these reasons, we expect that the autofluorescence and reflectivity originating in RPE posterior to the RPD, are a sign of changes in the RPE and are not imposed by the hyperreflectivity of the RPD.
RPD detected in the fundus by NIR-AF, SW-AF, and IR-R imaging corresponded, in horizontal SD-OCT scans, to changes in the contour and reflectivity of EZ in some cases and to conical hyperreflective lesions anterior to the RPE/Bruch's membrane band in other cases. These lesions also could extend radially through the EZ photoreceptor-attributable SD-OCT band and become associated with visible ONL thinning. It has been pointed out that the periodicity of the triangular-shaped reflectivity deposits prominently visible in horizontal SD-OCT scans (
Figs. 2,
3) cannot explain the RPD patterning observed in fundus images.
27 On the other hand, these lesions together with early-stage RPD presenting as undulations of outer retina
2,37 (
Figs. 2,
3) do have sufficient regularity to account for the RPD network.
In NIR reflectance fundus images, RPD present as darkened lesions. With C-scan reconstruction of the OCT images, and alignment to the plane of the EZ and RPE, hyperreflective ovoid or round areas at the level of the EZ in en face SD-OCT were aligned spatially with hyporreflective ovoid or round foci viewed in the RPE band. As discussed above, the lesions in en face images of RPE cannot be attributed to optical shadowing (interception of light by an opaque substance) since light in the NIR range (700–1400 nm) is absorbed only weakly by biological tissues. cSLO images produced using 870 nm light are primarily determined by reflected light.
48 RPE melanin is a reflector
36,49,50 and major contributor to the intensity of the RPE/Bruch's band in SD-OCT.
51 Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that the reduced reflectivity in the en face OCT images positioned within the boundaries of the RPE is due to a reduction in RPE melanin reflectivity. This interpretation is consistent with the reduced melanin associated–NIR-AF signal associated with RPD in fundus images. The presence of increased transmission of optical signals posterior to the RPE, in the case of some RPD
24 (
Fig. 3) is indicative of more advanced RPE disease.
We suggest that the RPD lesions observed in the photoreceptor-attributable layers of SD-OCT scans denote photoreceptor cells that are undergoing a degenerative process that begins in outer segments and progresses radially. These photoreceptor cells may be degenerating secondary to RPE changes. Imaging by SW-AF and NIR-AF, together with en face OCT, indicates that the configurations recognized as RPD are associated with periodic abnormalities in the RPE monolayer. Perhaps the reticular patterning can be accounted for by cellular reorganization undertaken to fill gaps in the RPE monolayer left by cell loss. Under such a process, RPE cell drop-out would be the nidus of RPD organization. Remodeling of the RPE layer, through processes of cell migration and spreading and concomitant thinning, could account for the reduced signal originating in RPE: reduced melanin signal detected as NIR-AF; reduced reflectivity observed in en face OCT images and diminished SW-AF. This premise is consistent with the irregularities in the shape and size of RPE observed in association with RPD in histologic material.
24 Perhaps when the ability of the RPE cells to compensate for the loss of neighbors is exhausted, atrophic areas form. Herein would be an explanation for the association between RPD disease and GA. Considerable remodeling of the RPE monolayer has been reported in normal aging with an increase in large RPE cells being indicative of compensation for cell loss.
52 RPE changes with the possibility of accompanying cell dysfunction and a loss of trophic support for the choriocapillaris also could explain the reduced choroidal thickness that has been reported in association with RPD.