In prematurity group PG1 with normal FD and complete displacement of IRL from FC, the foveal characteristics were within normal limits. In the other two prematurity groups (PG2 and PG3), all cases were selected to have signs of arrested foveal development (i.e., incomplete displacement of IRL from FC and reduced FD as observed in previous studies of preterms).
24,26–28,32,33 The central part of the normal mature fovea out to approximately 200 μm is thus characterized by the lack of an OPL and a slightly curved foveal floor. This central zone also corresponds to an area of the outer part of the retina characterized by an OS bulge caused by a lengthening of photoreceptor OS as reported in studies based on histologic characteristics.
16,17,34 The major changes observed in preterms with arrested foveal development in the present study occur in this central zone, that is, the foveola.
The most central position where the photoreceptors connect to the postreceptor retinal layers via cone pedicles and synapses is a very interesting structural feature. The detectability by reflectometry of this position of the central OPL edge gives us a tool in analyzing OCT images to estimate the most central connection between inner and outer foveal structures. Comparison between structural features from anatomy and OCT images have indicated that OPL is the structural correlate to the layer with cone pedicles and synapses connecting the photoreceptors to the IRL.
17 The position of the central edge of the OPL at approximately 200 μm is in agreement with the observation of lack of cone pedicles from FC out to 100 μm
35,36 and the appearance of a continuous layer of pedicles at the border of the foveola.
16,20,35 This edge position in OCT images of controls at approximately 20% of the foveal rim distance from FC also indicates the start of the foveal slope with the appearance and increasing thickness of the IRL below the ILM and a marked change in foveal contour. The lower part of the foveal slope out to 0.5R in controls is characterized by a steeper slope of the foveal contour. This region also contains the foveal capillary network encircling the foveal avascular zone.
37,38 The two selected measuring positions, 0.25R and 0.5R, are therefore placed in transition zones with marked changes in layer profiles. In controls, HFL reaches a maximal plateau at these positions, and at the 0.5R position the foveal slope is steepest and ONL reaches a basal level following a decline from its maximum at FC. The inclusion of two extra central measuring positions, 0.125R and 0.1875R, gave less information and was omitted in the analysis of tilted images.
The OPL covers the FC in preterms with arrested foveal development as has been shown by reflectometry during normal development.
10 This indicates that some cone pedicles and synapses are present in the central part of the fovea and require more vertically oriented Henle fibers to connect with corresponding central photoreceptor segments. Two cases of preterms without visible changes in foveal contour (PG1) show a decreased width of the OPL free central zone as noted in some preterm children born before 27 gestational weeks in our previous study of extreme prematurity.
26 A more central location of the OPL edge may be interpreted as a sign of immaturity representing an intermediate phase between incomplete and complete central IRL displacement. Furthermore, Tick and colleagues
6 suggest that the structural variability in normal subjects may correspond to variations of the size of the foveal avascular zone and foveal development.
The inter-OPL distance, that is, the distance between the edges of the OPL, seems to have relevance as a clinical parameter as shown by Kim and colleagues.
39,40 They used the inter-OPL distance in clinical studies of the foveal structure following macular hole surgery to define the asymmetric elongation of foveal tissue central to the OPL edge as a possible effect of decreased postoperative foveolar stability after ILM peeling. In a recent study by another group the inter-OPL distance of the fellow eye was used to adjust for macular hole diameter and morphologic variations assuming that eyes with larger foveolar floor have larger hole diameter.
The foveal rim is defined by the position where the retina reaches its greatest total thickness and is the anatomic representation of the margin of the fovea.
16 Half the inter-rim distance constitutes the foveal radius. This landmark, characterized by maximal total retinal thickness and IRL thickness, was easily defined in OCT images of all cases but one that lacked a foveal depression (case PG3-2).
The standard definition of FC is traditionally the center of the foveal pit, and this normally coincides with the peak of the OS bulge. However, it has been shown that arrested development of premature retinas primarily affects the morphology of the IRL with little or no lateral changes in the outer retinal layers. Since the focus of this study was to describe changes of the outer retina, and in order to avoid changes caused by possible asymmetric changes of the IRL, we selected the position of the longitudinal reflectometric profile with the most well-defined peaks within ±3 pixels from the peak of the OS bulge maximum as the definition of FC.
The more central position of the foveal rim in the two PG with arrested foveal development (PG2 and PG3) corresponds to the observation by Yanni and colleagues
25 of a decreased foveal diameter in cases with ROP compared to controls and preterms without ROP. One possible explanation for the more central position of the foveal rim in the immature retina could be a reduced displacement of IRL structures in preterms with arrested foveal development.
Our FC/R landmark transformation adjusts for differences in foveal rim position and improves the ability of comparing interindividual B-scans.
4–6 The finding of a 20% shorter FC to R distance in preterms with an immature fovea than in controls makes the size adjustment even more important for discriminating deviations in premature retina from normal. Knighton and colleagues
42 have previously shown that foveal size correction reduces variance when mapping ganglion cell layers and likely improves the ability to discriminate abnormal maps. Measurements at defined landmark positions were used to facilitate comparisons between groups and we used two eccentricity scales based on foveal rim (R) positions for adjusted foveal size or an absolute scale of micrometers.
The profile and thickness of the combined OPL + HFL + ONL of these preterms seemed to be increased centrally compared to controls, in line with previous studies.
26–28 Directional OCT was needed to separate the true HFL from the true ONL as described in earlier studies.
12–14 The absolute and relative contributions of the OPL, HFL, and ONL to the thickening of the retina and reduced FD in arrested foveal development were described for the first time according to our knowledge.
This supernormal central increase of the combined thicknesses of the photoreceptor cell body (ONL) and pedicle/synapse layers (OPL) is remarkable since it does not fit into the timeline of normal development where a monotonic increase of the combined OPL + HFL + ONL is seen.
21,22 To explain our finding of an increased true ONL thickness in developmental arrest, our hypothesis is that the decreased displacement of retinal ganglion and bipolar cells decreases the centrifugal pull on the synaptically connected cone pedicles and photoreceptor cell bodies. A consequence of the retarded displacement of cone pedicles is that their axons have to be more vertically oriented within the foveola. The course of the normally oblique columns of ONL cell bodies
43 also changes to a more vertical direction, thereby increasing the height of the central ONL. An alternative explanation such as an increase in photoreceptor cell numbers is less probable since the ONL cell population seems to be unchanged after midgestation.
1 No prediction is made about the thickness of the HFL within the foveola in this hypothesis of decreased centrifugal pull within the central fovea, since the thickness of the HFL is a function of number, length, and angle of axons. We found only a marginal increase at FC for this layer in the present study, which may be an effect of more vertically oriented fibers at FC.
The photoreceptor inner and outer segment layers (IS/OS) could be well defined in the reflectometric profiles, and manual segmentation added little information. The three hyperreflective peaks (ELM, IS/OS, and IZ) corresponding to layers extending from the ELM to the IZ were all well defined in controls as well as in preterms in the present study. These peaks normally appear during the second postnatal year.
10 Vajzovic and colleagues
21 suggest that these reflective bands are fully mature at 13 to 15 years in their combined OCT and histologic study of human foveal maturation.
The profiles and thicknesses of separate OS and IS layers of preterms with arrested foveal development showed no observable change compared to controls as shown in a previous study.
27 This indication of structural normality of OS in these preterms contrasts to reports of absence of an OS bulge in some preterms with worse visual prognosis.
44 Signs of delayed maturation of the IS/OS or ellipsoid zone as described during early development of very preterm infants
45 were not observed in the present study by reflectometry at adult age.
Lacking clear evidence of changed photoreceptor segment structure, further studies are needed to provide insight about changes of other layers within the central fovea that may cause decreased mfERG responses
46–49 or retinal sensitivity
32 in some preterms. The observations in the present study of marked changes within the inner photoreceptor layers including the pedicle/synapse layer of the foveola, with limited space for the central pedicles due to decreased areal magnification from cone inner segments to cone pedicles
35,50 caused by reduced displacement, may be of importance to explain decreased central retinal function in preterms.
A foveal OS bulge was present in all images of preterms as described in a previous study.
26 Our analysis showed that this central OS bulge was caused by lengthening of the outer segments and not the inner segments. However, our attempt to quantitatively define the limits of the foveal OS bulge was unsuccessful. Although the slope of OS decline was most marked out to 200 μm in both controls and preterms, the slope continued peripherally without any definable landmark as noticed in normal subjects in a previous reflectometric study.
The current study has limitations that must be taken into consideration in order to assess the significance of the results and conclusions. First, it was to some extent limited by the small number of subjects. The examinations were extremely demanding, requiring between 15 and 30 scans at one or two occasions in order to obtain enough high-quality images that captured the foveal reflex in different tilt positions. During the search for suitable subjects it was noticed that preterms with signs of foveal immaturity, more often than controls, lack the obvious sign of a clear foveal reflex as detected by OCT. They have more difficulties in keeping a strict fixation for a longer time period and more often have a displaced corneal apex, which causes difficulties in obtaining tilted scans with directional OCT. However, we believe that the final group of subjects, showing a clear foveal reflex and a range in signs of foveal immaturity, is representative of a larger group of preterms with comparable demographics.
Second, data collection was performed using semiautomated reflectivity analysis, even though there are freely available multilayer segmentation algorithms as well as a built-in segmentation algorithm in the Cirrus HD-OCT. However, to the best of our knowledge, these algorithms do not allow for individual segmentation of the HFL and ONL. In addition, eyes with incomplete extrusion of the IRL present difficulties for the built-in segmentation algorithm of the Cirrus HD-OCT, resulting in erroneous layer segmentation in the central fovea.
In summary and in conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that analysis of anatomic features such as landmarks and thickness profiles of different retinal layers in preterms can demonstrate marked redistributions within cell populations in preterms with arrested foveal development. Our results extend previous observations by delineating the changes in separate layers of the outer part of the fovea. The present study shows a central thickness increase in layers consisting of photoreceptor cell bodies (ONL) and pedicles/synapses (OPL) in preterms with signs of arrested foveal development in addition to a thickness increase of postreceptor layers. The reduced FD may thus be caused to an equal or dominating part by thickening of the combined ONL and OPL compared to that of postreceptor layers. However, we were unable to show any change in IS or OS thickness in preterms.