The actin cytoskeleton of trabecular meshwork (TM) cells plays a role in regulating aqueous humor outflow. Many studies have investigated stress fibers, but F-actin also assembles into other supramolecular structures including filopodia. Recently, specialized filopodia called tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) have been described, which communicate molecular signals and organelles directly between cells. Here, we investigate TNT formation by TM cells.
Human TM cells were labeled separately with the fluorescent dyes, DiO and DiD, or with mitochondrial dye. Fixed or live TM cells were imaged using confocal microscopy. Image analysis software was used to track fluorescent vesicles and count the number and length of filopodia. The number of fluorescently labeled vesicles transferred between cells was counted in response to specific inhibitors of the actin cytoskeleton. Human TM tissue was stained with phalloidin.
Live-cell confocal imaging of cultured TM cells showed transfer of fluorescently labeled vesicles and mitochondria via TNTs. In TM tissue, a long (160 μm) actin-rich cell process bridged an intertrabecular space and did not adhere to the substratum. Treatment of TM cells with CK-666, an Arp2/3 inhibitor, significantly decreased the number and length of filopodia, decreased transfer of fluorescently labeled vesicles and induced thick stress fibers compared to vehicle control. Conversely, inhibiting stress fibers using Y27632 increased transfer of vesicles and induced long cell processes.
Identification of TNTs provides a means by which TM cells can directly communicate with each other over long distances. This may be particularly important to overcome limitations of diffusion-based signaling in the aqueous humor fluid environment.
Trabecular meshwork (TM) cells communicate by secreting soluble signaling factors or encapsulating signals in small lipid-derived nanovesicles called exosomes.
1 Soluble signals and exosomes diffuse through the extracellular space and positively or negatively regulate neighboring TM cell function.
2–5 However, in the anterior chamber of the eye, aqueous humor (AH) fluid is a major barrier to diffusional-based signaling. All secreted signals are continually diluted and washed away by the continual flow of AH into Schlemm's canal. Thus, it is unlikely that signals can survive extracellularly at high enough concentrations to signal more than one or two cell diameters. Moreover, because AH flow is unidirectional, TM cells deep in the outflow pathway, such as those in the juxtacanalicular (JCT) region (
Fig. 1A), cannot use a diffusional-based mechanism to communicate with cells in the corneoscleral or uveal meshwork. Furthermore, signals in TM tissue also appear to travel relatively long distances. This was demonstrated in a study utilizing argon laser trabeculoplasty, a surgical technique used to reduce IOP in glaucoma patients.
6 Laser spots placed on the TM beams stimulated cell division in the insert region, a putative TM stem cell niche >200 μm away (
Fig. 1A).
7 The insert region is not bathed in AH so signals cannot be transported there in fluid. Thus, it remains unclear how signals could be transferred long distances from the laser sites to the insert region. It is possible that signals could be transferred via a signal relay or “bucket brigade” where signaling molecules undergo repeated rounds of secretion, receptor-mediated endocytosis on a recipient cell, trafficking through the intracellular endocytic pathway, and exocytosis.
8 However, green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged decapentaplegic was only propagated up to 80 μm in highly compliant embryonic tissue.
9 This distance is insufficient to bridge the space between the laser sites and the insert region. Thus, additional nondiffusion-based communication mechanisms must exist to transfer signals between cells in different regions of the TM in situ.
Actin monomers rapidly and reversibly polymerize to form microfilaments, which are organized into higher ordered structures such as stress fibers, lamellipodia and filopodia.
10,11 The assembly of these supramolecular structures are governed by the small GTPases RhoA, Rac1, and cdc42, respectively.
12 Inhibition of the Rho-ROCK signaling pathway increases aqueous outflow through the TM.
13–18 Stress fibers are the predominant F-actin structure in cultured TM cells, but actin stress fibers are not a predominant structure in TM tissue in situ.
19 Thus, the mechanistic details of how Rho kinase inhibition leads to greater outflow facility remain unclear. Furthermore, although stress fiber formation has been studied extensively in the TM, the relative contribution of the other F-actin supramolecular assemblies to TM cell function has been mostly overlooked.
Filopodia are thin, finger-like projections that contain tight bundles of F-actin.
11 A newly identified class of specialized filopodia is called tunneling nanotubes (TNTs).
20–22 TNTs form tubular conduits to directly transfer molecular information and organelles between cells and are a novel mechanism of cellular communication. Cargoes transported include endosomes, lysosomes, mitochondria, viruses, prions and miRNAs.
20,23–26 TNTs can form between homotypic cells or they can connect different cell types such as stem cells and endothelial cells.
24,25,27 Several reports have detected TNT formation by other ocular cell types including dendritic cells and hematopoietic stem progenitor cells in the mouse cornea and cultured human retinal pigment epithelial cells.
28–30 In this study, we investigated whether TM cells could form TNTs to directly communicate signals over long distances.
For live-cell imaging, cells were plated in 2-well slides (μ-slides; Ibidi, Madison, WI, USA) and imaged using a widefield system (Deltavision Core DV; GE Healthcare Life Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA, USA) at 37°C in a humidified environment with 5% CO2. This system consists of an inverted microscope (IX71; Olympus) with a ×60 Plan-Apochromat objective (1.42 NA) and a camera (Coolsnap ES2 HQ; Nikon Corp., Tokyo, Japan). Images were captured every 2 minutes for a total of 4 hours on 3 z-planes and fluorescence was detected in the GFP (488 nm) and Cy5 (647 nm) channels. A differential interference contrast (DIC) image was captured at the central z-plane at each time point. Following acquisition, z-planes were stacked and the images were animated into a time-lapse movie at 12 frames per second. For some movies, the 488-nm channel was overlaid onto the DIC image. In addition, image analysis software (Imaris; Bitplane, Concord, MA, USA) was used to analyze the movies frame by frame and a dot was manually placed on DiO-labeled vesicles in each frame. The software then added a “dragon tail” to denote from where the vesicles had come.
In this study, we report the formation of TNTs by TM cells and demonstrated that fluorescently-labeled vesicles as well as mitochondria can be transported between TM cells. The TNTs extended approximately 240 μm between cells in culture and 160 μm in TM tissue. These lengths are similar to those described for TNTs formed by other cell types.
22 When compared to signaling ranges of other mechanisms, TNTs allow cellular communication over greater distances than diffusion-based signals (<80 μm),
9 but not as far as that of exosomes, which are secreted into biofluids and have a much farther range of signaling.
1,37 Moreover, TNTs can deliver signals directly to areas of the tissue not bathed in AH such as the putative TM stem cell niche and can communicate signals from JCT cells to corneoscleral meshwork TM cells, which is against AH outflow.
TNTs are transient structures and two models of TNT formation have emerged: the “cell dislodgement mechanism”, where two adjacent cells fuse transiently and, as the cells move apart, a thin retraction tubule remains through which cargo can travel.
38,39 The other proposed model is an “actin driven protrusion mechanism.” This is an active process whereby filopodia are extruded from two adjacent cells and when their tips touch, they undergo fusion to create a tunnel.
20,39 The movies shown here suggest that TNTs in TM cells are formed by an actin-driven mechanism because vesicle transfer was essentially complete before the cells retracted and moved away from each other. However, it remains possible that both mechanisms are used to form TNTs in TM cells. Furthermore, the mechanism utilized could be dependent on culture conditions. The TNT shown here was actively transporting vesicles for 40 minutes, which is similar to TNTs in other cell types where they endure from minutes to several hours.
22,40 Interestingly, the movie also shows formation of multiple filopodia at the TM cell surface, but only one of these transitioned into a TNT. What governs TNT formation is unclear. The unconventional myosin, myosin-10, appears to play a role in other cell types,
41,42 and in the case of electrically coupled TNTs, gap junction proteins may stabilize the contact at the tips of TNTs.
39 However, more studies are required to investigate which molecules are involved in TNT formation in TM cells.
In several of the experiments reported herein, CK-666 was used as an inhibitor. CK-666 stabilizes the Arp2/3 complex in an inactive state, which inhibits assembly of branched actin networks important for both lamellipodia and filopodia formation.
32 Lamellipodia are sheet-like actin-rich protrusions that are characteristic of motile cells.
11 Yet, the movies in this study show that TM cells are predominantly sedentary with few, if any, lamellipodia. Conversely, TM cells have many filopodia emanating from the underlying actin networks to protrude from the cell surface. Our results show that CK-666 significantly reduced the number of filopodia on the cell surface of treated TM cells as well as reduced the length of those filopodia that were present. Moreover, there was a significant reduction in the number of vesicles transferred. Collectively, these results suggest that Arp2/3 may play a role in TNT formation.
The Rho kinase inhibitor, Y27632, increased vesicle transfer via TNTs. CD44 immunostaining showed a dramatic change in cell phenotype with the formation of many long cell processes that contained fluorescently-labeled vesicles. Disassembly of F-actin stress fibers by Rho kinase inhibition may enrich the cellular pool of G-actin available for assembly into filopodia. This may in turn drive TNT formation and increase vesicular transfer by TNTs. Agents that disrupt all F-actin structures (cytochalasin D and latrunculin) decreased vesicle transfer, which was expected since TNTs contain actin. However, vesicle transfer was not completely eliminated. Low concentrations of inhibitors were used to prevent cell death during the experiment and thus F-actin assembly may not have been completely inhibited. Alternatively, it is possible that some vesicles were exchanged via endocytosis, phagocytosis or a non-actin based communication mechanism. Our data do not exclude communication by these mechanisms, but describe an additional method by which TM cells can communicate with each other.
Our live-imaging of actin dynamics in human TM cells provide additional insight into the function of the actin cytoskeleton in TM cells. Only one other study has investigated actin dynamics in real-time using live porcine TM cells transfected with a GFP-fused actin construct.
43 In response to Y27632 treatment, they showed that stress fibers were rapidly disassembled and there was a major change in cell shape, similar to that described in this study. F-actin–labeled punctate vesicles were detected, but were not as numerous as in our study. This is likely due to differences in actin staining methods and/or imaging resolution. The SiR-actin used in this study is a Jasplakinolide analog, which binds to F-actin with high affinity.
44 This small cell permeable fluorescent probe labels all TM cells in a field and thus has a major advantage over transfection because transfection efficiency is low for TM cells. However, there is still some debate as to whether SiR-actin stabilizes F-actin structures or induces actin polymerization because of its structural similarities to Jasplakinolide.
45 Despite this, we found several differences in the actin labeling in control, and CK-666– and Y27632-treated TM cells. Stress fibers appeared thicker and there were fewer, less dynamic actin-positive vesicles when TM cells were treated with the filopodia inhibitor, CK-666. Conversely, few stress fibers were detected and the punctate vesicles were more dynamic and moved all over the cell when TM cells were treated with the Rho kinases inhibitor, Y27632. Thus, using SiR-actin to monitor actin dynamics in live human TM cells may be a valuable tool to evaluate the effects of drugs on the actin cytoskeleton.
Here, we showed transfer of mitochondria between TM cells. Studies in other cell types showed mitochondrial transfer via TNTs connecting cells of different types can rescue stressed cells from apoptosis.
24,27 Although the functional significance of mitochondrial transfer in TM cells has yet to be determined, the transfer of mitochondria may help maintain the health of the TM tissue. It should be noted that glaucomatous TM has elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which impairs mitochondrial function.
46 If damaged mitochondria are transferred between glaucomatous TM cells via TNTs, this could exacerbate the pathogenic process.
In conclusion, our results describe a novel cellular structure by which TM cells may directly communicate with each other. This may be especially advantageous to circumvent the limitations of diffusion-based signaling in the fluid environment of the TM. Future studies will focus on identifying molecules involved in TNT formation and the signals that are transferred via TNTs.
The authors thank Lions VisionGift (Portland, OR, USA) for facilitating the procurement of human cadaver eyes, and the Advanced Light Microscopy Core at Oregon Health & Science University for technical assistance, which is supported by a Shared Instrumentation Grant (S10-RR023432) from the National Institutes of Health.
Supported by National Institutes of Health/National Eye Institute grants EY019643 (KEK); EY008247 (TSA); EY025721 (TSA); EY010572 (P30 Casey Eye Institute Core facility grant); the Medical Research Foundation of Oregon (KEK); and an unrestricted grant to the Casey Eye Institute from Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY, USA).
Disclosure: K.E. Keller, None; J.M. Bradley, None; Y.Y. Sun, None; Y.-F. Yang, None; T.S. Acott, None