We demonstrated for the first time that 74.1% of the isolated primary HCFs could secrete proinflammatory cytokine IL-12 in vitro. This secretory IL-12 enhanced both viability and migration of HCFs. TGF-β1 enhanced IL-12 expression in 81.5% primary HCFs (in all the 74.1% secretory group HCFs and in 7.4% nonsecretory group). In addition, the TGF-β1 related expression could be suppressed by MOX. These suggest that corneal stromal cells participate actively in the modulation of corneal inflammation and cellular homeostasis in corneal wound healing via secreting IL-12.
Among the 25.9% (7/27) of the isolated corneal cells that did not secrete IL-12 at baseline, 7.4% (2/27) of them responded to TGF-β1 stimulation (
Fig. 1B). In contrast, among the 74.1% (20/27) of the isolated corneal cells that secreted IL-12, 25.9% (7/27) were low-, 37.0% (10/27) were medium-, and 11.1% (3/27) were high-IL-12 secretory HCFs. The autocrine TGF-β1 autoregulation
8 resulted in an averaged 1.54 ± 0.67-fold increase in TGF-β1 concentration and an averaged 1.90 ± 0.84-fold of TGF-β1 related IL-12 upregulation. These could be confirmed by the positive correlation between the increase in folds of TGF-β1 concentration and the increase in folds of IL-12 concentration. It is possible that the interindividual variability in IL-12 secretion both at baseline condition and their response to TGF-β contributed to the interindividual difference following LASIK,
15 even though the surgery is quite standardized. In spite of the IL-12 concentrations after TGF-β1, incubation was higher in the high secretion subgroup (
Fig. 1C), and there was no difference in the folds of induction among the three subgroups (
P = 0.870). This indicates that corneal cells that secrete more IL-12 at baseline will secrete more IL-12 in the presence of TGF-β1. This echoes the reports that the tear concentration of IL-12 is low but with great variability.
12,26 It increases following surgery
15 and in the cornea of infectious keratitis
13,14 since there is a TGF-β1 surge following corneal wounding
27 and/or infection.
Our results indicate an interindividual variation in the production and TGF-β1 regulation of IL-12 in noninflammatory cell; that is, corneal fibroblast. IL-12 is involved in antigen presentation and corneal inflammation.
13–15 As IL-12 is also involved in delayed specific donor allograft rejection
29 and that TGF-β signaling inhibition is an emerging strategy for cancer therapy,
30,31 whether this TGFβ related IL-12 modulation found in our current study represents a new therapeutic approach in organ/tissue transplantation awaits further investigation. Theoretically, it would be more beneficial in high IL-12 secretory group. It implies that the variability in IL-12 expression found in our experiments contributed at least partially to the prediction of variation in inflammation in corneal infection and/or following surgery. In contrast, for those subjects that do not respond to TGF-β, IL-12 related inflammation and/or rejection could be of less concern postoperatively. This information is beneficial in the era of personalized medicine.
Additionally, as immunosenescence is associated with alteration in inflammation
32 and natural killer cells function in the elderly
33 and that IL-12 is associated with natural killer cells regulation, it is inspiring to clarify whether there is an age-related difference in IL-12 secretion. We found that there was no significant difference in the age between the IL-12 secretory and nonsecretory group. This indicates that age factor is less important than interindividual genetic variation in the management of corneal infection and/or wound healing regarding IL-12.
Our results demonstrated that 2 ng/mL rhTGF-β1 promoted HCF proliferation in complete culture medium (10% FBS/DMEM). This proliferation would confound cell migration as proliferation could force cell migration. We thus used serum-less media (0.1% FBS/DMEM) in the migration experiment. However, HCFs migrated very slowly in serum-less culture medium compared with the same cells in complete culture medium, we hence used higher IL-12 concentration; that is, 10 ng/mL, in cell migration assay. For parallel comparison, we used rhTGF-β1 10 ng/mL. We found that both IL-12 and TGF-β1 enhanced HCF proliferation (
Figs. 4,
8). However, only IL-12, but not TGF-β1, promoted HCF migration (
Fig. 5). TGF-β1 promoted cell migration indirectly by increasing IL-12 secretion, which subsequently enhanced HCF migration (
Fig. 7C). This is different from previous studies that showed TGF-β1 promoted cell migration in HCFs
34,35 and dermal fibroblasts.
36 The difference could be evidenced by our experiments using a high concentration of rhTGF-β1 to incubate the isolated HCFs. Our results revealed that 2 ng/mL rhTGF-β1 treatment increased the number of viable HCFs (
Fig. 8). If rhTGF-β1 could also promote HCF migration, there should have been an enhanced HCF migration front when rhTGF-β1 was added to the culture media, no matter how many cells were seeded in the culture dish. However, there was no enhanced HCF migration front when HCFs were seeded only in the center of the ibidi culture insert (
Fig. 5), although the culture media did contain sufficient rhTGF-β1; that is, 10 ng/mL. This confirmed that rhTGF-β1 alone could not promote HCF migration. In addition, if the HCFs could secrete IL-12 to promote HCF migration indirectly, sufficient number of HCFs would be needed to secrete enough amount of IL-12. This assumption is also confirmed when rhTGF-β1 was added to the 6-cm HCF culture dish in our experiment. The amount of the rhTGF-β1-stimulated IL-12 secretion from the large number of HCFs was sufficient to advance the HCF migration front (
Fig. 7B). We thus confirmed that TGF-β1 could indirectly enhance HCF migration via increasing the IL-12 secretion.
In addition to demonstrating that MOX modifies corneal fibroblast-to-myofibroblast differentiation,
8 we further illustrated for the first time that MOX reduced IL-12 expression in HCFs concentration-dependently. Our results are clinically relevant and indicate a potentially beneficial anti-inflammatory effect of the topically applied MOX for two reasons. First, the suppression of IL-12 secretion was significant at MOX concentration of 10 μg/mL and higher in the presence of rhTGF-β1. MOX concentration in the cornea is 18.6 ± 9.66 μg/g at 10 minutes after one drop of topical application
37 and achieves 2.1 times higher concentrations with repeated topical instillation.
38 Since there is a TGF-β1 surge following corneal wounding
27 and/or infection, the difference in IL-12 inhibition at MOX concentration of greater than 10 μg/mL in the presence of rhTGF-β1 reflect true clinical scenario. Second, HCFs secrete IL-12 in the presence of lipopolysaccharide stimulation
39 and following refractive surgery.
15 MOX is normally applied after corneal surgery and/or infection, indicating the current practice of MOX application in a high IL-12 concentration environment. The result of MOX inhibiting IL-12 secretion echoes previous study demonstrating the immunosuppressive effects of ciprofloxacin during human mixed lymphocyte reaction via suppressing the IL-12 production in monocytes.
40 Our results thus facilitate understanding of current MOX anti-inflammatory mechanism, in addition to previous antimicrobial and antifibrotic mechanisms.
8 However, the beneficial anti-inflammatory effect should be more noticeable in individuals with high baseline IL-12 secretion. MOX might potentially benefit corneal wound healing by prohibiting myofibroblast differentiation
8 and by decreasing inflammation via inhibiting TGF-β-induced IL-12 secretion as shown in this study. On the other hand, MOX inhibited HCF migration, which is necessary for wound healing. MOX also diminished HCF proliferation, which is also necessary in stromal repopulation when there is cell depletion. The advantages and disadvantage in wound repair should thus be balanced in clinical application.
Another limitation of our study is that we estimated secretory IL-12 via equation calculation from digitized immunoblot instead of direct ELISA measurement due to the lack of availability of appropriate antibody. However, we generated an equation of the IL-12 standard curve for every experiment in our experiment design to reduce the variation in IL-12 concentration estimation. We suggest that our results of TGF-β1 and MOX related IL-12 alteration revealed a reliable conclusion. Confirming the moxifloxacin-related inhibition of IL-12 secretion using other fluoroquinolones is expected before generalization this wound healing modulation phenomenon.