This study analyzed corneal aberrations with Scheimpflug imaging in former preterm and full-term infants, evaluating the impact of gestational age and the occurrence of ROP on corneal aberrations. Our report highlights that especially extreme prematurity (GA ≤28 weeks) was associated with vertical coma, total higher-order and lower-order aberrations of the total cornea, demonstrating that specific corneal aberrations were associated with extreme prematurity. These alterations of corneal aberrations in prematurity were mainly due to the shape of the anterior corneal surface, while the posterior corneal surface did not show these dependencies. Retinopathy of prematurity showed no impact on higher-order aberrations of total cornea when adjusted for gestational age, indicating that prematurity rather than ROP leads to higher order aberrations of the corneal shape.
Premature delivery abruptly leads to fetal environmental changes associated with altered ocular and corneal development including steeper corneal curvature.
1–3 In an previous report, Fiedler et al.
10 hypothesized that lower extrauterine temperature after early delivery may be a factor contributing to a less flattening of the cornea. No difference in corneal thickness was observed between former preterm and full-term participants at the age of 7 and 14 years assessed with Scheimpflug imaging.
5 With respect to corneal shape, Ecsedy et al.
5 reported that preterm infants with and without ROP have a higher measures of corneal higher-order aberrations. However, this investigation reports on small and heterogeneous study groups including preterm infants with and without ROP in one study group. In contrast, our study provides data about the less studied influence of prematurity (indicated with different GA groups), and additional data about the potential influence of postnatal ROP occurrence after birth on corneal aberrations in the age of 4 to 10 years. Using our statistical model, we could separate the effect of GA and ROP, demonstrating that lower GA ≤28 weeks is a factor leading to increased corneal higher- and lower-order aberrations in contrast to ROP, which does not appear to influence corneal aberrations independently from gestational age.
The development of corneal shape and the eye globe is regulated by several factors, with some authors supporting that genetic factors determine corneal topography. Valluri et al.
11 found that there is a genetic predisposition for axial length and spherical equivalent of refractive error when analyzing twins. However, for corneal topography the authors concluded that other nongenetic factors seem to be more important. Hammond et al.
12 reported that nearly half of the variance of astigmatism can be explained by genetic reasons. Furthermore, Tabernero et al.
13 investigated whether corneal aberrations are genetically or environmentally determined by analyzing 138 eyes of 69 twins. They confirmed that genes play an important role in the variance of corneal aberrations. For instance, the heritability of corneal spherical aberration was reported to be 52%,
13 while a prior Korean population-based study identified 20%.
Intraocular pressure is considered as another factor affecting the development of the eye. Looking on the extremes, infants with childhood glaucoma develop long axial length, have large corneal diameter and flatter corneal curvature. Corneal astigmatism is increased in the 5 mm zone in these children and is also configured more irregularly.
15 Furthermore, Yang et al.
16 observed in a school based study of 1911 children that higher intraocular pressure correlated with steeper corneal curvature and younger age. The curvature of the cornea is also thought to be linked with birthweight.
17 Similarly, a twin study investigating 1498 participants aged between 5 to 80 years found that low birthweight was associated with a more curved cornea.
18 It is possible that these associations may also contribute to alterations in corneal aberrations in former preterm infants.
Yinon et al.
19 observed in an animal study that suturing the eyelids of kittens during eye development leads to an increase of astigmatism, both in the sutured eye and in the fellow eye, while the controls had less astigmatism. This data indicates that lid movements affect the development of astigmatism potentially affecting the development of corneal aberrations. Astigmatism is thought to be mainly due to corneal astigmatism in younger age and in with-the-rule position.
20 Differences in the palpebral position might have an effect on corneal astigmatism. Indeed, Grey et al.
21 found that narrowing the palpebral aperture leads to increased cylindrical error, while Read et al.
22 reported that corneal cylinder axis correlates with the eyelid angle. Nevertheless, Raffa et al.
23 did not find an association of palpebral fissure length with gestational age or birthweight.
Overall, prematurity leads to altered ocular growth and morphologic alterations like a steeper cornea,
3,4 smaller anterior chamber depth,
4 thicker lens,
4 and smaller axial length
3 in childhood, which contributes to refractive error development and probably to altered corneal HOA and LOA.
To date, it is unclear whether these associations and/or environmental changes after preterm delivery may affect corneal aberrations. However, it is well known that preterm birth completely changes the newborns' environment; therefore, it is likely that different factors associated with prematurity contribute to the altered corneal aberrations in preterm infants. Optical aberrations lead to visual disturbance, degraded retinal image quality, and play a role in the emmetropization processes potentially influencing refractive error development.
24 Prematurity and ROP are well-known risk factors for myopic refractive error,
25 which is also applicable in our study sample.
3 In previous reports, some authors hypothesized that peripheral corneal aberrations have an impact on development and progression of myopia.
26 In accordance, an association between myopia and corneal aberrations was observed.
27 Supporting this hypothesis, Paquin et al.
28 reported higher amounts of coma aberrations in highly myopic eyes. Furthermore, increased corneal aberrations may be one of several factors contributing to low visual function particularly in extremely preterm infants. However, the visual effects of ocular aberrations are small compared to myopia and astigmatism
29 and in addition, image optical quality is only one of several factors of visual perception but may play a role in deteriorated visual perception in preterm infants.