Driving performance was assessed under in-traffic conditions in an automatic, dual-brake vehicle using a previously published protocol.
28,31–33 Driving was scored by a highly experienced driver-trained occupational therapist seated in the back seat of the vehicle, while an accredited professional driving instructor in the front passenger seat was responsible for route directions and monitoring safety, and also scored driving safety independently. Interrater reliability of test scores between the driving instructor and occupational therapist (using the same scale) was high (
r = 0.94;
P < 0.001). The driving instructor and occupational therapist were both masked regarding whether the participants had AMD or not, and participants' functional performance in the laboratory testing. Participants drove along a 19.4-km route on the open road, which involved a wide range of tasks involved in day to day driving under in-traffic conditions, including reading signs, obeying traffic signals, responding to other road users (drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists), maintaining vehicle control, and lane position and signaling. The driving route was chosen as representative of the normal range of driving demands for most drivers, not commercial or professional drivers, or commuters. The driving route was located in a busy urban area and started with a short familiarization period and then progressed to driving along city and suburban streets, and involved simple and complex intersections for a range of moderate to high traffic densities. The driving assessment was approximately 50 minutes in duration, except when the drive was terminated early if the driver was considered too unsafe to proceed. All assessments were conducted just outside of peak hour traffic times to avoid long periods of stopping (gridlock), and hence less driving. The occupational therapist scored driving performance at a series of locations along the driving route in terms of driving behaviors (at an average of 149 locations) and scored overall driving safety on a 10-point scale based on driving standards criteria described elsewhere.
At each of the locations, several aspects of driving behavior were scored: general observation (scanning and attention), braking/acceleration (appropriate speed and braking), lane positioning, gap selection (gap selected when entering traffic or the gap between the driver and other vehicles), and approach to hazards (appropriate planning and preparation).
34 Observation of blind-spots (correct checking of blind-spot and shoulder checks) and indication/signaling (appropriate use of directional indicator) were also assessed where appropriate (average of 15 and 56 locations, respectively). For each behavior type, the total number of errors as a proportion of the total number of times the behavior was assessed was calculated for each participant.
Each of the locations was further allocated into one of six situation categories: traffic light–controlled intersections, one-way traffic (straight and curved driving), two-way traffic (straight and curved driving), give-way (stop/give-way intersections, nontraffic light–controlled intersections, pedestrian crossings, and roundabouts), maneuvering (reversing, parking, turnaround maneuver, and negotiation through traffic slowing devices), and merging (lane changing, merging, and entering/exiting traffic flow). For each situation, the total number of errors as a proportion of the total number of times that performance was assessed at that location was calculated for each participant. Driving errors that were considered by the occupational therapist to pose a significant risk to driving safety and required an instructor intervention to avoid an imminent safety issue (either through applying the brakes, accelerator or taking control/correction of the steering wheel) were classified as critical errors (CE). Where drives were terminated early because of unsafe performance, driving behaviors and situation errors were scored as a proportion of the number of locations that were assessed, and overall driving performance was scored as unsafe.