In this study, we compared the superior-inferior asymmetric patterns of VF loss in POAG and PACG eyes. In early-stage POAG eyes, the hemifield asymmetry (superior worse than inferior) was significant in central, paracentral, and peripheral (arcuate 2) regions. In POAG eyes in moderate and advanced stages, all five GHT regions had significant hemifield asymmetry. In PACG eyes, in contrast, this finding was observed in fewer regions; only one region (central) in early and asvanced stages, and two regions (central and peripheral) in moderate stage. In addition, POAG eyes tended to have more localized loss than PACG eyes, suggested by higher PSD values for given mTD values accounting for all covariates.
Among the comparisons of demographic parameters between POAG and PACG eyes, a larger number of females was observed in PACG than in POAG (see
Table 1). This is in agreement with previous studies that suggested that females are more likely to develop PACG
35,36,42,43 and sex is even an independent risk factor for developing PACG.
12 We also observed that myopia was more associated with POAG, whereas hyperopia was more associated with PACG, agreeing with previous reports.
Gazzard and colleagues
37 reported that the paracentral and peripheral (arcuate 2) regions in the superior hemifield were more damaged than their counterpart regions in the inferior hemifield in early POAG eyes, whereas in moderately damaged eyes, all GHT regions in superior hemifield were significantly more damaged than their counterpart regions in the inferior hemifield. This is in agreement with the current results (see
Figs. 2A–C). In advanced POAG eyes in the same study, only the central region in the superior hemifield was more damaged than the corresponding region in the inferior hemifield, whereas all GHT regions in the superior hemifield were significantly worse than the corrsponding regions in the inferior hemifield in our study. One possible reason for this disagreement would be the different cutoff values adopted to define the severity levels. In the previous study, the advanced group was defined as mean deviation (MD) <−20 dB, which is much more advanced than that in the current study (−12 dB). As a result, in the previous study, the VF damage reached into the inferior hemifield, except for the central area which usually is preserved until the very late stage of glaucoma.
Gazzard and colleagues
37 reported that no region showed significant superior-inferior asymmetry in early PACG eyes, whereas our study showed a significant superior-inferior asymmetry in the central region. In that study, all GHT regions except the nasal region showed significant asymmetry in moderately glaucomatous eyes, whereas we observed just central and peripheral (arcuate 2) regions with significant superior-inferior asymmetry. Finally, both studies are in agreement that the central region of the advanced PACG eyes has a significant superior-inferior asymmetry (see
Figs. 2D–F). On the other hand, Atalay and associates
38 reported that there is significant superior-inferior asymmetry in the paracentral region in the early stage, central, and paracentral regions in the moderate stage, and all GHT regions in the advanced stage of PACG eyes. Different criteria used in defining stages of the disease could be one reason for the differences in the patterns of VF defect among these studies. However, all studies are in agreement that the central region of the moderate and advanced PACG eyes is more severely damaged in the superior hemifield compared with the inferior hemifield.
In the current study, POAG eyes had a higher PSD than that in PACG eyes for given MD values, which suggests more localized patterns of loss in POAG eyes compared with PACG eyes and more diffuse VF damage in PACG eyes compared with POAG eyes. This finding is consistent with other previous reports, despite the difference of ethnicity: Gazzard et al.
37 (mainly Chinese subjects), Rhee et al.
34 (mainly Korean subjects), and Boland and associates (mainly Caucasian subjects).
35 Ngo et al. (mainly Chinese subjects) also reported similar observations, although they reported that the difference was not statistically significant.
The current study consisted of Japanese patients, in whom normal tension glaucoma (NTG) prevalence is high compared with Caucasians.
45 Therefore, in the current study, this fact may have influenced the appearance of the localized VF damage in POAG eyes and observing more diffuse VF damage in PACG eyes. Diffuse VF damage in PACG eyes may be explained by the differences in the optic disc appearance of these two groups. In PACG eyes, optic disc pallor is usually a feature of acute angle closure; however, there is a report that the optic disc may be pale in chronic PACG rather than having cupping and/or optic disc rim notching, which are characteric of optic disc change in POAG.
46 It should be noted that POAG eyes with localized VF defect are more likely to be diagnosed as glaucoma than those with diffuse optic disc enlargement. On the other hand, in a group of patients with PACG, it is more likely that the initial diagnosis was based on elevated IOP and narrow angle, irrespective of the type of optic disc damage they presented. Thus, the current results may be biased in this respect. In other words, it is likely that the patients with POAG at the time of diagnosis had normal IOPs and the diagnosis was made on the basis of suspicious discs (maybe more localized losses), as opposed to the PACG group, in whom IOP was likely elevated at the time of diagnosis. The current results may be biased by these differences. However, in the current study, PACG eyes with previous angle-closure attack and IOP greater than 30 mm Hg were excluded. Moreover, the effect of this bias would be small, if any, in advanced-stage disease. Nonetheless, there was a similar/continuous VF defect pattern in POAG eyes from early to advanced stage. Thus, there may be some ascertainment bias in the current results; however, the influence of this bias would be relatively small.
Gazzard et al.
47 reported that IOP alone was less associated with the severity of VF loss in POAG eyes than in PACG eyes, suggesting there may be other factors attributing to the VF damage in POAG eyes.
37 Because the IOP is not significanlty different between the two groups in our study, we also suggest that there may be other factors attributing to the difference in VF patterns of loss between POAG and PACG eyes. In particular, PACG eyes often have intermittent/irreversible (without interventions) sharp spike(s) of IOP elevation. Moreover, under highly elevated IOP, the damage may be closer to ischemia of the optic disc.
12 VF damage in ischemic optic neuropathy is predominant in the inferior hemifield,
48 and also, we have recently suggested VF damage in POAG patients who smoke tends to be in the inferior hemifield.
49 These findings imply that the diffuse VF damage both in superior and inferior hemifields in the PACG eyes may be caused by the elevated IOP itself and also induced ischemia. Also, as speculated in Boland et al.,
35 PACG may not be related to increased susceptability in the optic disc and retina, such as abnormally compliant disc connective tissues that have greater vulnerability to IOP. On the other hand, POAG, in particular in normal-tension glaucoma, often occurs at IOP levels that are tolerated by most eyes and may have idiosyncratic defects in nerve head structure or ganglion cell susceptibility to apoptosis, which may be underlying the fact that inferotemporal rim loss is the most common optic disc change in POAG.
48 These factors may also have contributed to the difference of VF damage between POAG and PACG eyes, observed in the current study. Another major difference may come from the study sample size. The current study analyzed a much larger dataset of 522 POAG eyes and 375 PACG eyes to allow the conducting of a robust comparison of VF patterns of defect across several severities levels.
One of the limitations of our study is that the VF damage was investigated only in a cross-sectional manner. A follow-up study would be needed to characterize temporal VF progression patterns. Another limitation is that axial length measurements were not obtained, because the current data were obtained from a real-world clinic where axial length is not routinely measured. Also, the IOP data without treatment were unknown. Thus, the level of IOP when the damage to the optic discs occurred is unknown, and it would be suspected that they were much higher in the PACG group. These variables may be related to the VF change, and a future study should be conducted measuring these variables.
In conclusion, the current study suggested VF damage is more pronounced in the superior hemifield than in the inferior hemifield both in POAG and PACG eyes; however, this tendency was less obvious in PACG eyes. In addition, the VF damage in PACG eyes is more diffuse than that in POAG eyes. These findings may be attributed to different underlying pathologies of POAG and PACG. This fact also implies that optimal therapeutic approaches may be different.