In one of our previous studies, CK1 was highly expressed in skin epidermis of human eyelid as a positive control.
29 However, it remained undetectable in Alvetex-cultured HMGECs, even after long-term air-lift culture. Since CK1 is one of the best-known markers of fully keratinized epithelium and detected in the orifices of meibomian duct, this suggests that air–liquid interface culture alone does not lead to keratinization in HMGECs. CK10 is generally associated with CK1 as the coexpressed partner of CK1 and has been described in suprabasal epidermal epithelial cells.
39 Recent studies have shown that CK10 is upregulated by air-lift culture in conjunctiva
40 and corneal limbus
41 but remains absent from peripheral cornea,
41 sebaceous gland,
42 or acini of meibomian glands.
43 In 2016, Call et al.
44 demonstrated that CK10 and CK4 are colocalized within the central duct near the ductile openings in fully developed meibomian glands of mice. Accordingly, CK10 was detected only in the ductal epithelium of human meibomian gland, but not in the meibocytes.
29 Hence, several bodies of evidence indicate that CK10 has the potential to serve as a biomarker to identify human ductal epithelial cells and to determine their differentiation status. In this study CK10 expression was mildly inducible on the apical surface in response to air exposure. This suggests that air exposure to HMGECs induces a state similar to that of epithelial cells of the meibomian excretory duct. This is also in line with previous findings demonstrating that HMGECs can differentiate to meibomian gland excretory duct lining cells.
15 CK14 is generally found in the basal cell layer of stratified epithelium
39 as well as in acini and ductal epithelium of human meibomian glands.
29 Aside from some cytoprotective functions of CK14, very little is known about CK14-related functional mechanisms, since the homozygous CK14 knockout mice show postnatal lethality of 100%.
45 Nevertheless, it is presumed that CK14 expression is tightly regulated by the differentiation program in stratified epithelium. When epithelial cells move upward and differentiate on their way to the apical surface of a stratified epithelium, CK14 levels diminish gradually and a new pair of CKs is induced.
46 Based on this, we expected that CK14 would decrease during cell differentiation or at least be confined to the basal layer after air–liquid interface culture. However, CK14 immunoreactivity strongly increased over time in Alvetex. Maybe this is due to the lack of a proper stratification in 3D-cultured HMGECs. Another possible reason could be the lack of mechanical stress and the necessity to actively maintain the cell shape in the scaffold. Nevertheless, additional work is required to explore the precise mechanisms and to confirm this finding.